Actually .. I think it's great for the mom ( which is a side character ) to have those man...

Watashi Dake November 26, 2018 12:05 am

Actually .. I think it's great for the mom ( which is a side character ) to have those many layers :
1) in the 1st season : cool , good at her job , sweet with my Haebom
2) in the 2nd season : treating her own son completely different from Haebom which I think would be because of his father
I mean she seems like a great woman on the outside but actually has many issues with her son
may be she is the most human-ish character in the story .. she seems so real !
That being said ..... Plz don't hurt my lovely boys T_T

    Oden November 29, 2018 1:01 pm

    i do not understand parents who treat their kids like trash when it's because their partner did something...leave the kids alone, they're innocent!

    Jarin November 29, 2018 1:01 pm

    I can understand them cz I have kinda awkward relationship with my mom too. And the manga's mom is extra kind to haebom cz she is trying hard to make haebom not feel sad about his own mom and think he is orphan

    Oden November 29, 2018 1:30 pm

    i do not understand parents who treat their kids like trash when it's their partner did something...leave the kids alone, they're innocent!