I'm not even going to justify this manga's existence by giving it a one star rating. Just....

notyurinotinterested November 25, 2018 4:23 am

I'm not even going to justify this manga's existence by giving it a one star rating. Just... why.

    Heavensrun November 26, 2018 12:45 am

    Because intersex people exist and deserve to not be ignored.

    notyurinotinterested November 26, 2018 3:31 pm

    Valid response, but let's be real, this story isn't good. My original post was exaggerated for Internet Points but I feel like I'm not wrong in my thinking that.

    notyurinotinterested November 26, 2018 3:32 pm
    Valid response, but let's be real, this story isn't good. My original post was exaggerated for Internet Points but I feel like I'm not wrong in my thinking that. notyurinotinterested

    And is was changed to not be under yuri anyways so it bother me anymore.