A very long long rant to support DG

Reylla November 17, 2018 2:47 pm

Tbh I am kinda surprised with how much hatred DG has been getting for the last couple of chapters. I've seen people going as far as saying DG didn't "deserve" to be loved by Jiwoon because he wasn't rich, smart or popular. There were also people saying that DG is being childish by treating Jiwoon coldly, since he "accepted" everything from the get go.
I understand we are all sad by Jiwoon's past, and specially sad to see how much it has affected his personality. He went from a nice, loving kid to a total asshole real quick. But, and I think it's import to point, that doesn't necessarily excuse his behavior. In most of the sex scenes (remembering that their relationship status was officially that of "sex friends", so sex WAS a big part of it) Jiwoon came dangerously close to rape: the first time they had sex, or the fated chapter 26, are good examples of Jiwoon's selfishness. I say all this because this is a very common red flag in abusive relationships: the abuser will use their sad past to harbor forgiveness for their toxic and hurtful behavior, which is basically what y'll are trying to do here. Jiwoon had a sad past, but he himself made his sad present by being, honestly, an awful PERSON to DG (note, not a boyfriend, not even a friend, he was awfull as a wholeass person, and worse: ONLY to DG, whom he knew he had the upperhand with, since the kid was so in love with him he'd forgive everything).
Also, another red flag for abusive relationships? Saying that the abused KNEW what they were getting into since the begining (which is true! Initially, abusers usually say things like "I am a terrible person, you should not love meee" in a crying way, both as a manipulation and as a warning). Saying that DG "knew" what he was getting into is a lie. He knew Jiwoon wanted to be sex friends. Being treated as a thing who should accept everything was never mentioned.
Now, it's also important to say Jiwoon isn't the one using his past as excuse or saying DG knew what he was getting into. All he did was think how his past ended up reflecting in the present to the point it hurt him and the person he loves. We were shown that as readers to understand him better. BUT we are using it as a way to excuse Jiwoon and criticize DG who, honestly? Owned up to literally all of his mistakes (truthfully apologized for ruining Alex's show once, and truthfully refused to become his sex friend again because he doesn't want meaningless relationships with Jiwoon anymore).
Now (per raws) it's Jiwoon's turn to do the same: not EXCUSE his behaviour but APOLOGIZE for it (which he hasn't done yet).
And about people saying DG is being childish by ghosting Jiwoon: honestly I would too. It's someone whom DG is trying to forget still, and that in every opportunity they meet, asks for sex with him. "One: don't pick the phone, you know he's only calling cuz he's drunk and alone" etc.
Woof, this was lengthy and might get hate, but I really felt the need to stand up for DG at this point ┗( T﹏T )┛
Well well, hope Jiwoon and DG can solve their problems and go back to have a (HEALTHY!!!) relationship again.

    Kant Jinha November 17, 2018 3:24 pm

    I totally agree with you

    yoyo November 17, 2018 3:31 pm

    I lost it at Dualipa's lyric

    Agree with you

    Lucy In The Sky November 17, 2018 3:34 pm

    Couldn't have typed it better!

    vin November 17, 2018 5:22 pm

    You wrote this comment perfectly. I personally think Jiwon deserves what he gets because he was a terrible person. Having a bad experience in the past isn't an excuse to act as a bad person. He was cruel to DG and treated him like a sex slave, although DG agreed to be fuck buddies with Jiwon it still isn't good to treat DG like that. If i were DG, I would do exactly what he did and maybe even earlier. DG already apologized and even had a parting sex with Jiwon since that's what Jiwon asked and now he was trying to move on. Ignoring Jiwon is DG's way of forgeting so we can't blame him for doing it.