yumi...why u always gotta bring up old shit? give it a rest.

You're on an illegal site because?


Yeah, fujoshis tend to fetishize the hell out of rape (and just gay relationships in general), but they think it’s ok because it’s “fictional”. They act as if it’s harmless and that it’s normal, when it can actually be triggering for victims of rape and other kinds of abuse. It should be general knowledge that if you find rape situations to be hot or romantic, the you’re a weirdo and are likely becoming desensitized to the subject as well. Seriously, fujoshis wouldn’t know an unhealthy relationship if it hit them in the face, which is why I tend to steer away from yaoi as a genre and stick with shounen ai.

THIS! I seriously don’t know why fujoshis think it’s ok to fetishize rape and gay relationships. As someone stated before, content that romanticizes rape is harmful to actual rape victims! If you find it hot, then you are horrible and need to get help, because desensitization is also a big problem! This is one of the reasons why most of the LGBTQ+ community is against the genre of yaoi, because it fetishizes the wrong things and makes people think it’s ok just because it’s “fictional”. It’s the same with Yuri too, but it’s not nearly as bad as yaoi.

Oh wow, the little girl asked her friends to go online and back her up cause she's been cornered with legit arguments she can't refute.
How will rape victims get hurt by this manga? Because fujoshis who read rape mangas will not know what is right or wrong about rape after reading it? Wow, I didn't know Batman fans are out there doing vigilante justice.... I can't believe we are letting Batman comic fans out here undermine our justice system, oh! and violent game players! the nerve of violent game players to roam the street and wreak havoc on the community! It's hurting us! The nerve!
Delusional children are coming over and reading rape mangas and complaining about it in the comment section. In the first place, why are you here?
Also, there is no correlation between reading rape mangas with desensitizing real rape occurences. You guys are so dumb, can you even answer our question? Why are you here?
You guys dumb as f*ck with this rape talk. This ENTIRE manga is built on the premise of rape. Its not about who rapes who, every story I've read by this author involves someone raping someone else when it didnt need to be written like that. Y'all saying "don't like don't read" since we aren't allowed to comment objectively against this manga which FOR SOME reason y'all are so precious about on a site which has illegally uploaded it.