
ICE November 14, 2018 5:21 pm

I must be depressed or something but it doesn't feel like they girlfriends to me. It feels like their best friends. There were some moments that were kind of couple like but it was only a few and nothin special.How long was it since that kiss? Am I forgetting something and I just don't realize it?

    Anonymouslurk November 24, 2018 8:02 am

    Blame China not the author (strict lgbtq+ censorship) also wouldn't you want your partner to be like a friend? :)

    Heavensrun November 30, 2018 4:00 pm

    They....flirt constantly, though. I mean, they've only officially been girlfriends for like a day, this is their first actual date since the kiss, and there have been several blushy flirty moments. What exactly do you think girlfriends DO?

    ICE December 1, 2018 5:06 pm

    I just saying it FEELS LIKE A FRIENDSHIP NOT A RELATIONSHIP. Yes I know partners are like friends and I know they flirt constantly but it still felt like they were just friends. It doesn't matter if it's a couple is the same gender they are still humans to me and they kissed. I am not saying they have to make out a lot more or have sex they can take it as slow as they want. I AM JUST SAYING I SEE THEM MORE LIKE FRIENDS

    Heavensrun December 1, 2018 10:02 pm

    I understand that is what you are saying. I just think you're crazy. ;p This latest episode in particular has the ol' "I'll move in close on the pretense of showing my date how to do something" trope, which is an absolute 100% couple move. Friends don't do that.

    ICE December 2, 2018 12:28 am

    Yeah the girl got embarrassed as hell. don't get me wrong I love their relationship and I do see their moments but it felt like after they kissed in that one chapter they just acted like it never happened. Maybe natural is better.Idk how to explain it very well this is the best way I know how and I appreciate your opinion.