school days is pretty much one of the very few anime i have ever watched that i think should be taken down banned and the company that made it should be fined those are just my thoughts anyway now keep in mind the reason i have to say all of that is that i absolutely fucking hate any kind of rape in tv movies and even more so anime it just pisses me off big time
Agreed on the rape topic. Some of the webtoons are really dishing it these days, and I think they should be banned as well.
There is something fascinating about the psychological aspect of School Days though. The unfortunate reality is that violence is not uncommon when a true "love triangle" is involved. People are getting shot & stabbed all the time over shit like this.
very true and honestly i was pretty ok with it up till the second to last or last episode when the girl was raped and then i was like hell no but then again i also have not seen i think 2 or 3 of the earlier episodes as well mainly because i fell asleep and the episode with the rape in it just closed me ever watching it again off
Setting up for a "School Days" type of ending maybe?