Hey, DemonBunny,
I went to university right out of high school and got a degree in Kinesiology. I fumbled at becoming a physical therapist because of the further cost of school and other factors. Since, I have worked retail for five years, tried being a CNA for over a year, and am now thinking of returning to full time studentship. I have taken a few classes to get my brain "back on" at community college and thankfully, it isn't weird at all to see people still older than myself. Plenty of running start high schoolers but the gap isn't so wide you wouldn't fit in with the younger crowd.
I believe, at least in the USA, high schools pushed too hard for students to go into college without knowledge of what they wanted to do "for the rest of their life" because the cost would be such. I do want to stay in the medical field and with recent discovery that my body has a fear of needles (my mind doesn't even as my body says to shut down,) I feel nursing isn't appropriate. So, back to PT.
As along as you know what you want to study and achieve, I wouldn't worry about the other students' age in the slightest. You are there to better yourself and if you make some awesome friends along the way, they won't care how old you are.

nope its not weird at all! this is a pov from a 19 yrs old college student. i didnt have that kind of concern but i do have friends in college who are 4-5 years older than me and its all good! they are doing fine.

Nah! In my 6 years in college I've encountered a lot of student who is much older than me. At first it is weird but then later on I just got use to it. Its like it is normal to be sorrounded by older people or rather matured people in the university, so yah! You better go for it and not feel uncomfortable because of ur age.
Anyone have experience with this? I've seen a few people on here that have gone to university. I'm just wondering if it will seem strange being older or if it will be harder getting into the work force once you finish. Younger people do you think it weird seeing older people in school?
I'm 22 and just about to enter university for the first time. I've been working retail jobs since I was fifteen but just now started thinking i did all that hard work in high school and got pretty decent grades but this is what I get for it? For the rest of my life? I want more. I'm just having a few worries about the whole thing. It's a lot of years to sign up for.
Thanks if you can give advice. Im just asking here because it feels like we all can relate to each other a bit.