- Text messages basically showing the ex is avoiding him, Jiwon concluding that he is being left
- Jiwon going to the club to find the ex, we've seen this bit before
- Outside the ex basically mocks Jiwon, and says he was only with him to get next to his brother and was surprised at how easy it was to manipulate Jiwon
- Ex also says "Love? I never loved you for a moment"
- Jiwons reflection that his first love was over, that he randomly had sex with any guy. and hot into fights as he could not control his anger.
- At the police station as a result of this, he is told to go to the army by presumably his brother.
- Jiwon says of his army time, that he was still so lonely and wanted to be loved
- After the army Jiwon finds sex streams, he reads the comments from viewers giving their praise and love to the broadcast jockey. He says he could do this better, and starts his first stream, he reflects that "everybody loved me".
- Cut to the present, Jiwon is on his couch looking at his graduation photo, saying that it's been years but he is still bothered by what happened with the ex. That if the ex really did lve him, then he would not be having the problems he currently has. He rips it up. Could he love in the future he ponders.
- He says that he is afraid that he will get hurt again, if he gives his heart. He refects that he basically hurt Dong-gyun, just like his ex did to him. He thinks that Dong-gyun basically had a big impact on him, from the start. That if he was asked the question (rain scene) he now realises how how he would respond to Dong-gyun... ends with Jiwon saying "I love you".
You’re such a sweetheart for taking your time to write this.
Chap 51 translation
No problem. That was just a quick summary, here's a translation, won't be perfect, but might help.
- Caller ID reads Hwi-Min (the ex). Here are Jiwon's texts to him. "Hyung, did you sleep well? What are you doing today?" "Hyung what are you doing???" "I miss you" "Hyung"
"Hyung, I don't know why haven't you called me?" not sure of the next text. "Hyung where the hell are you?" "Did your phone cut off?" "Hyung..."
- Jiwon's thoughts) I was certain that at that moment, Hwi-Min Hyung was leaving me behind.
- Jiwon's thoughts) Surely...
Club Heaven
- Jiwon (to ex) How How can this be! How...! How much...How long Hyung... (? think this bit of the conversation was already shown if you want a proper translation) I love you... How can you do this to me. Was it a lie that you loved me? Was it not the same for you...?
- Hwi-Min) Ha ha , ya loser. Did you believe that? Are you that naive? Ha ha ha.
- Jiwon) Wh-what
- Hwi-Min) Ha ha ha ha. Basically saying that he thought by ghosting J, he would get the picture. Something about J not noticing that H was trying to get next to his brother. I approached you to work on your brother, and I thought you would be more fun. I didn't know you would be so easy. Love? I never loved you for a moment.
- Jiwon) Uh...
- Hwi-Min) I had a good time, and now I'm going
- Jiwon's reflection) So my first love is over. Then he basically says that since the break up his daily life has been a mess. I randomly had sex with any guy. There was a lot of fighting because I could not control my anger.
Police station
- Brother?) Ahn Jiwon, if you keep doing this, go to the army.
- Army Jiwon's reflection) Everything was useless. No one could believe in, or love me anymore. Even when time passed, I was still so lonely. I want to be loved.
- Jiwon finished his service, home) What...? Adult broadcasting? Something about why is he watching this.
- BJ Viewers comments) Soul mate: dead, Cherry boy: I love you, DaengDaeng: He's the best, Sunscreen:Best
- Jiwon) I'll do better...
- Jiwon's reflection) So I found another way like before (guessing this is about becoming a character to be loved.
- Jiwon) Hello, I'm BJ Alex-ya. Thank you for watching my first broadcast.
- Jiwon's reflection) Everybody loved me.
Present timeline, Jiwon is on his couch, evidence of drinking and smoking heavily, looking at graduation pic
- Jiwon's thoughts) It's been years since then, and it's still affecting me. If this man really loved me, then I would not be like this.
- Jiwon) Fucking little... (rips up the pic)
- Jiwon's thoughts) I was afraid of being hurt again, and I did the same to Nam Dong-gyun. Unsure, but he ends by saying that I pushed Nam Dong-gyun and hurt him.
- Flashback to DG saying I'm only hurt when I'm with you.
- Jiwon) What's the use of regret now...
- Jiwon's thoughts) Can I love (you?) in the future? I'm afraid that I will get hurt again if I give my heart. When I think about it... (flashbacks to the non sexual contact they had, and DG saying "You are BJ Alex, right?') From the first time I met Nam Dong-gyun, he was absorbed into my life..
- Jiwon) Ha... now you realise.
- Jiwon's thoughts) If I were to go back to that time, (flashback of DG saying, Then sunbae, do you love me?)
- Jiwon) Yeah... I love you.
I don't care about chapter 52, I will probably skip over that one. WHERE ARE THE SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 51?!