My studies started after holidays so I dont have time to study for sources rn. Maybe best month. But there are a lot of articles on plos one.
Wow, great answer. "This article and its arguments are DUMB!!!!!!!! Dr. Cretella is raight [sic]!!!!!!" How about you give me actual arguments instead of just calling the article stupid and saying: "You should inform yourself!" And if you don`t have enough time to give a reasonable answer, then you shouldn`t answer at all.
About the puberty blockers: I am sceptical about them and think, that there need to be long term studies. But on the other hand, I´m not per se against them either. There just needs to be more research. And I think the SAHM has a point when saying that every medicament has or may have side effects. I know that, because I`m transsexual myself and I go through hormonal treatment right now. There are risks as well, but I got informed about them and there is a constant control of my blood values. So in conclusion:
We need more research, but we shouldn`t dismiss it.
"I do tego agree always with dr cretella's views but in this case she is raight."
If by "right" you mean "right-winged/conservative", then you`re right. As I said, I am sceptical about puberty blockers, but this "doctor" is against any surgery, hormnal treatment or even any supportive attitude towards transsexuality. The strategy of her and her organization is to take the findings of other studies out of context and interpret them so they match the opinion of Mrs. Cretella. If you support such nonsense, you are anything, but not scientific.
I`m not sure what position you try to support here, but if you`re trying to dismiss Sex reassignment therapy you either suck at it or the thing I said about Mrs. Cretella goes for you, too. The study you just quoted says:
"The caveat with this design is that transsexual persons before sex reassignment might differ from healthy controls (although this bias can be statistically corrected for by adjusting for baseline differences). It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit."
"Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group."
So this study is not dismissing sex reassignment, but rather suggesting better psychiatric care after sex reassignment. Thinking, that this study leads to the conclusion, that we should stop sex reassignment and instead start with conversion Therapies (because, as we all know, those therapies have been proven to be 100% successfull and do no harm at all) is utter nonsense.
Furthermore, an important issue that transphobes never adress is causality. I am 100% sure that a major factor for the high suicide rate of transexuals is the discrimination and the bias against transsexuals, which is supported, amongst others, by Mrs. Cretella. Here`s a study that adresses this matter: (p.11).
Ok. I seriously dont have a time.
But I wilk Ask. How can we PROVE that transexualism IS NOT mental disorder? How is it different than other mental disorderes?
When I read the definition:
Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth.” firstly...umbrella...really? Are we 5?
We also have seen people who went through retransitioning,who come back to their sex gender.
So what IT is determinated at birth or its not? It's factored by enviroment? By hormones? Is it changable? Why now we have so many new cases? Only because it's more acceptable?
I read arguments like... Oh there were always transexuals... Ok? And there was always cancer? So what?
One studies claimed that transexuals brains is more similar to their prefered gender...then the other studies denies these claims. Tbh it's absurd because some mental ilnesess cause some chemical or structure changes?
Sorry Honey I'm sure like fuck there will never be fully accepted. Beside America, Canada and few Counteries in europe and few others ...nb gives a fuck because there are bigger problems in this world. I would never bully ANYONE. I can use their preffered pronounce etc but I still went some medical PROOFS bit some sweet claims.
Also for me changing gender of child is crime to me. Many children go through many phases. I myself used to be completly tomboyant, I Had only male friends, I hate dresses, I didnt Play with dolls (mostly influenced by my older brother) etc who knows maybe under specific pressure and enviroment I would believe that yeah I would prefer to be a boy. I would go under puberty blokers maybe in the end I would end sterilized. Puberty blokers have many isuess and side effects...nearly every medicine has some negative side effects. Is it a good idea? Healing children? Who are really changable?
1. Ah, Trump school 101: Calling everything SJW that doesn`t match your opinion.
2. "nah I'm just tired of you people wanting to put your influenced everywhere."
You`re right. We shouldn`t interfere with other countries just because we think certain things happening there are wrong. So next time when there`s a genocide happening, we`ll all sit still and do nothing.
1. "Little Lamb", "LGBT propaganda", "Little lamb needs to start thinking, and realize what's happening around it.", "You're so naive." You sound like one of those "red-pilled" idiots. You know, those self-opinionated snobs who think they`re something better because they don`t follow the "mainstream" and they constantly look down on people with different views just so they can keep up that illusion of superiority.
2."Do you know why China and Russia banned LGBT and tried hard to stop any Western influence into their country?"
3. "Yaoi is made for women, their target audience is pretty much 'straight' women. Their plot is quite the same as shoujo and josei, only it's hotter with the smut. I love that.
But tell me what are you here for? To support the LGBT nonsensical equal rights by reading yaois?"
I don`t need to say a lot to this cause Kaito.Hat pretty much summed up what is wrong with this comment:
"So what your saying is as long as you get a kick jerkin' it fetishized gays in yaoi manga, you don't give a shit about LGBT+ issues and will denounce anyone who tries speaking up about it? Good to know."
But what I find especially fascinating is the term "LGBT nonsensical equal rights". So you see LGBT people as 2nd class humans? Good to know.
4."One day people are going to protest for beastality, pedophilia, necrophilia, and cannibalism. And we're going to give in because of equal rights. When people are starting to eat each other by the street, there will be nothing you can do stop it."
Wow, never heard that claim before....
I mean, of course! If we allow Homosexuality, we will also allow cannibalism! And if you are against censorship laws, you also are against laws in general. You know, cause censorship restricts freedom and every other law also restricts your freedom.
Makes sense to me.
And if someone offers you cake and you decline, you`re anorexic because all anorexic people at one point have started with declining cake.
I mean, it`s not like there are good reasons for allowing something and there are good reasons not to allow another thing and we have to differentiate. Pffffff. Differentiations are for losers without a strict black-and-white thinking!
5. "People nowadays are busy parading on the street naked and kissing like some crazy chimpanzees asking for freedom."
First of all, you`re a hipocryte:
"Their plot is quite the same as shoujo and josei, only it's hotter with the smut. I love that."
Second of all, so what if there are half-naked (not naked) people and couples showing their love on the CSD? What are you? 5 years old? Is kissing too erotic for you? BTW, Loveparade had these exact same things as well and no one complained about that.
6. "But what about the equal rights needed for those innocent people dying on Palestine land; children, women men? Thousands of refugees on the border? You know what did they say? They said 'it's war, it's bound to happen.'
Just what the fuck is going on with this world?"
You know, I will keep these words in mind and if I ever meet you on the street, I will punch you in the face. And if you dare to complain about it, I will say: "How egotistical! You think you have it so bad being punched in the face? Think about the palestinian children! They have it waaaaayyy worse than you right now!"
Do you see the problem?
7."Yes this girl here is not smart. But between being a brainwashed and an ignorant, I would've chosen the latter. At least, my own mind and thinking belongs to me alone, not led by others. Besides, being smart doesn't mean you're immune to manipulation."
...but ignorant people are easier to manipulate.
8. "You LGBT supporters also do the same to those who disagree with your view."
No we don`t. But we do that to people who denounce other people, which is the case for 90% of the Anti-LGBT movement. In other words: If you treat other people like humans, we won`t insult you.
9. "I find it ironic how we should accept people who can't even accept the body they're born with."
So bodies have to be seen as a cohort now? Do bodies have a mind on their own? You know, besides the mind, that is already in that body and doesn`t accept it. And if that`s the case, does the mind also have a body and-WTF AM I TALKING ABOUT?!?! IT´S MY BODY!!!! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT WITH IT! It`s like a house or a car. No one will call you a racist if you don`t like the colour of your car! LGBT people are a cohort and have a mind and a will and feelings, that you can hurt. Their bodies are just a part of them and transsexuals have a right to not like and change their bodies. You are just comparing apples to pears. Or should I call the United Nations Human Rights Council and accuse you of genocide every time you try to squeaze pimples?
10. "Repression by the society is not my fault, it is their own defense mechanism to retaliate against new ideas. There's nothing I could do about that."
Uuuuum, yes you can? Don`t be a goddamn transphobe! Less transphobic people means less repression.
11. "But oh yes, the equal rights will give them some temporary happiness but for how long? We all know that kind of lifestyle in the end will take a toll on their bodies.
Well, rather than giving them rights to ruin themselves even further, don't you think they need serious helps?"
You know, I have a name for people like you: Egotistical Altruists. People, who want to help other people, but are too self-centered to realize, that THEIR values don`t go for everyone. So they start forcing their values and their views down other peoples throats. That`s you.
I am transsexual. I`m an adult, I have a mind on my own I am intelligent and think things through before I do them. I don`t need to be f***ing patronized. You don`t know s**t about me or others. Transsexuals have a high suicide rate even after reassignment. Well, guess why? BECAUSE THERE ARE F***ING ASSHOLES, WHO CONSTANTLY BOTHER THOSE PEOPLE AND SCUM LIKE YOU, WHO SUPPORT THOSE S**TS BY IGNORING THE WILL OF TRANSSEXUALS AND SPOUTING YOUR OPINION THAT NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR.
"Are you triggered?" Yes I am! I am sick and tired of people, who have the audacity to criticize sex reassignment due to high suicide rates after the surgery, but are taking a major part in belittling and incapacitating transsexuals and are even suggesting "Healing" Therapies, which have been proven to be way more fatal than sex reassignment. That`s like Hitler coming up to the Jews saying: "You know, all those dying children in the Extermination camps are your fault. If you hadn`t reproduced, they wouldn`t need to die. You are such irresponsible parents!" to which everyone would reply: "A*****le, don`t build any goddamn Extermination camps!" You think this example is messed up? Well, at least now you know how I feel.
Are you trying to become a psychiastrist? If you do, you should give up. I haven`t studied psychology myself, but I know something about medical ethics due to a seminar I have visited and, of course, I have my personal experience with a psychiatrist. Doctors aren`t the ones anymore who make the decision. It`s the patient, who has the authority. My psychiatrist never forced me to anything. He informed me and asked me for my consent. What you try to do lies in the past. A past, that no one wants back. A past, where doctors ignored the will of the patient and wanted to play god. But they studied medicine, so they should know when a life is good and worth living! No, they didn`t and they still don`t know. And thanks to that mindset we had terrible things happening like Eugenic and one of the biggest crimes in psychiatric history, the so called "euthanasia" performed by the Nazis.
I tell you something: You`re a psychopath and you shouldn`t work with transsexuals in any way. Even if you study psychology till you drop dead, my statement won`t change. Because what you are missing is not necessarily expertise, but rather a mindset that embraces different values. As long as you don`t drop that "I know better than other people what`s good for them" attitude, you are dangerous for other people. You studying psychology would change as much as Leatherface visiting a class, where he learn how to handle a chainsaw. He will get better at handling the chainsaw, but he won`t develop any empathy for his victims.
Lmfao go back to Tumblr butthurt snowflake.
I'm just waiting for iii world war, eating popcorn~
So I try to debunk arguments and statements, while you just label me with your copy-and-paste-insults. Who`s the "butthurt snowflake" again?
You? Becauce nobody is so passionate in this discussion like you? XD
Lil special snowlake~
What even is copy and paste insults? :O where......
You? Becauce nobody is so passionate in this discussion like you? XD
Lil special snowlake~
Also most of the world as I said dont give a fuck about pseudo science which is mainy based on empty climes and theories (and it's not physic where theories are proved by maths--> LOGIC), based on subjective opinions of not even 1 pr of world's population individuals who can be just mentally ill~
Oh and dont forget about gender fluid individuals. Another beautiful group. Even more interesting.
1. "Becauce nobody is so passionate in this discussion like you?" So, if people insult transsexuals and therefore me by treating us like some kind of idiots who don`t know what`s best for them, but those transphobes claim they know, because they (apparently) studied medicine and I answer them back by debunking all their pseudo-arguments and by calling them out on their superiority complex, that makes me a snowflake? Being insulted insult makes one a "snowflake" might want to think this over again.....
2. "What even is copy and paste insults?" A copy-and-paste insult is an unoriginal insult that you see coming from miles away. SJW, snowflake, triggered also counts.....I could play bullshit bingo with those.
3. "Also most of the world as I said dont give a fuck about pseudo science which is mainy based on empty climes and theories (and it's not physic where theories are proved by maths--> LOGIC), based on subjective opinions of not even 1 pr of world's population individuals who can be just mentally ill"
Human Sciences like Sociology and History Science as well as Psychology are all Pseudo Sciences? Good to know.
Also, "Pseudo Science"? That`s Gold coming from a group of people, who have proven to me in this comment section that their only "arguments" confine oneself to the following things:
- quoting dubious Pseudo Scientists
- misinterpreting studies so they match their own opinion
- Conspiracy speak, like "propaganda", "Little Lamb", etc.
- Whataboutisms
- ad verecundiam arguments (Wow! So many people here who claim they study medicine or psychology! What a coincidence! We can clearly tell they are telling the truth by their incredibly scientific attitude!)
- claims without any argument whatsoever
- arguments that have been debunked a Million times already, but they continue spouting them
and last but not least- and this is probably your favourite one:
- insulting people as SJWs and snowflakes if they dare to talk back to your noble opinion
Where is the Science in that, hm?
I'm still waiting for the answer how exacly we can prove that transexualism is not mental ilnesess. I'm waiting.
Seriously it's a Simple question.
How transexualism is DIFFERENT than the there ilnesess?
The arguments like:
-we can find cases like that even in ancient times is not argument because many physical and mental ilnesess/disorderes also were there.
-Some other mental disorders are also manifested by chemical/structure changes in brain (and studies are even not to sure if there are changes...)
- other mental disorders had their start on early childhood or before birth.
So, waiting~
Lmao this isn’t yaoi the main character is a women therefore this should be under shoujo only not shounen ai, and stop calling this gender bender please that’s extremely transphobic and please address the main character as she stop calling her him this is @ the people in the comments