Oh so please give me some GOOD sources that can prove that we shouldnt treat transgenderism as DISORDER (mental disorder)...I'm waiting. And I'm talking about serious sources, not some articles from google.
And wow you seriously graduated medicine and call sb an idiot? Sb you dont even know? And you graduated and you are still sitting on some porn site. I at least have holidays now.
The American Psychiatric Association has stated that gender nonconformity is NOT a mental disorder. Go back to school and listen in class. What you seem to be talking about is gender dysphoria which every trans person does not necessarily have. I am trully scared that someday you might face trans people and be such an ignorant doctor to their face.
First at all, I'm going to be oncologyst, not psychiatrist, I didnt even have this class yet (I'm 4rd year as I said) but it used to be my hobby and I read a lot of psychiatric books. Secondly, I'm not fluent in english and terminology in my native language is different so maybe I used some termine inadequately.
Trans people are tiny per mille of human population so I highly doubt it.
And I never stated that GENDER NONCONFORMITY is mental disorder.
I said that transgenderism is.
And dont worry if I would have patient like that I would treat them as they wish, with proper pronounce etc, but still I want scientic facts about this phenomenon, not only as I said subjective's opinion of the patient.
Also nowadays we have such aburds that e.g. in Canada in sport there was transexual (m-->f) who didnt have any accomplishments as a man in cycling but after hormone replacement therapy she won in women category. Sweet
But still if you have some interesting, scientic, serious sources about this topic with many cases, MRI scans etc I would love to deepen this subject.
You treat human beings? You do know that when it comes to human and especially the mind you can't speak about facts? No one in the academic level would use the word facts for this. So far there are no way to say for sure something like what you're implying. I'm not going to reveal my profession in order to use it as you as ad baculum fallacy (when you clearly know nothing). There are no even enough data to imply any of what you say because there are close to none longitudinal research.
Honestly I hope your patients are ok because you sure aren't.
You meant...Argumentum ad baculum? Lmfao
To tell the truth you dont sound like a doctor at all. First young doctors in my country at least dont have time to sleep even...they are always on shifts at hospital.... I have now holidays so I have time but normally even just studing (4rd year) I dont have too much time...and here you are with reading nearly 400 titles, taking part in discussions. Hmmm. And still I am young barely 22. And if you are much older...then it's just sad.
Still no sources...just your pretty speeches...
And why transexualism couldn't be mental disorder? It's just their subjective opinion.
If SB believes that they are 12 years old child (while they are 40 years old) we should pretend it's normal and healthy?
How if you have karyotype and proper genitals for your sex and you are physically healthy but the problem is in your PSYCHE , how can you not call it DISORDER (mental)?
And even in medical enviroment it's not all so obvious as you make it.
And for me sex changes is inhuman. The patients very often are even more depressed because now they have just additional health problems and most of sociaty still don't accept them.
You're so naive. The reason they pulled back the statement regarding that being a mental disorder because they cannot prove it otherwise? To be precise, they don't have enough proof to say that it IS or is NOT. That's why they said that. But does other countries agree to this statement based on scarce research? I don't think so.
After rethinking. I'm not fluent and I dont want to use english medical terminology in wrong way that's why I'm gonna write it in my own words. For me if somebody who was born with standard karyotype and genitals for specific sex consider themselves the other sex(Gender dysphoria) and they want to change their sex for me it's mental disorder .
The problem is it's subjective. You can't pove that it's NOT disorder, because you cant test it on any way, you can't do some physical tests and get result.
So how can you prove it's not in fact MENTAL DISORDER?
Tbh I didnt even once find soruce/article which would give any satisfing answers.
And someone before me said... You know in many countries it's still in medical field considered as mental disorder?
And I'm still a student and didnt even have this class. But I used to be really interested in psychiatry and psychology.
And they or they (dont want to its optional) change their sex*
Just because somebody sees themselves they are somebody they are not doesnt make them that.
Also even if we could even document that there are changes in brain etc... Many disorders have such evidences (although I didnt even see that this one have such).
That's why to me it's obvious disorder. It's the problem in your brain, in your psyche.
Seriously to me it's absurd how WHO removed it from mental disorders. Although they put it under another category.
Well, you stopped talking about science pretty fast after realizing that there were no serious studies stating what transgenderism was and how it came to be. I thought you had read "serious articles" though? Beside being intolerant you are a liar as well? Your opinion is NOT science. I don't know what country you are from but many countries and and psychatrist associations are going torward a demedicalization of the subject. You asked for serious sources but when I tell you about what the APA stated, the biggest psychiatrist organization in the world you go on about terminology. If you don't know the subject properly, then try not to talk about it. Gender nonconformity implies transgenderism, but also non binarity for instance. YOU are the one who don't have any sources that clearly states transgenderism is a mental state, because there aren't, and there might never will be. I am tired talking with someone who is constantly taking guesses about something they don't know. Why don't you focus on treating cancer, or at least take some gender studies classes to be less ignorant? Oh please no need to answer you don't have much else to say on the subject clearly.
For me is obvious that they removed it EVEN IF THEY DONT HAVE ANY PROOFS because there were pressures from specific enviroments. They dont have any PROOFS that it's not mental ilnesess. ANY. And honey how many times they change the definition. I wouldnt be suprised if few years after today it will be rechanged to mental disorder.
Yeah I have seen many articles about tragic consequences that sex change brings e.g.
And there are many profesjonals,psychiatrists against the whole thing.
And you still didnt give me any sources than just statment from organization which isn't linked to any believable studies. NOTHING.
Sorry it's laughable
Why ocd is disorder? Why highly function autism is disorder? Why THIS is exception? When the problem is with psyche/brain?
As I said believing you are somebody you are not doesnt make you that.
But I'm waiting I'm sure pedophilia will also be removed in few or more years and other disorderes. Sorry but we are going backwards. And it's TRAGEDY for medicine.
People who write bs that there should be no gender or several genders. Because there are Animals with one sex.... Shame on US because we are mamals and not coelenterata.
Psychiatry is not fuckin religion that I should believe without any believable evidences, studies etc. Like I said we are going backwards.
Psychiatry and medicine in general*
I would recomend to read/see works from i.g. dr Michelle Cretella.
But tbh WHO even are you? Do you have basic knowledge of medicine or smt? Do you even understand biological/chemical processes in human's body, brain?
Oh maybe your only knowledge is gender studies...than pff. Sorry
Michelle Cretella! Great Idea! I mean, she`s leading such a serious organization with NO~ political agenda at all! You can clearly tell by the incredible good resonance, that the "American College of Pediatricians" gets, of which she is the president:
`The ACP argues that schools shouldn't support gay teens because they're probably just confused. "Most adolescents who experience same-sex attraction...no longer experience such attractions at age 25," the letter says, citing a 1992 study by Remafedi.
Except that's not what Remafedi's research suggested at all. His work showed that kids who are confused about their sexuality eventually sort it out—meaning many of them accept being gay.
"What was so troubling was that these were fellow doctors, fellow pediatricians," Remafedi says. "They knew better, and they have the same ethical responsibilities to their patients that I do, but they deliberately distorted my research for malicious purposes."
"It's obvious that they didn't even read my research," Remafedi says. "I mean, they spelled my name wrong every time they cited it."
Mimicking the rival publication, the ACP filled its handbook with more than 100 footnotes citing studies. The difference is that some of the researchers, like Remafedi, say the ACP cherry-picked, manipulated, and misstated that research.
Francis Collins, the director of the National Institute of Health, found the ACP using his work on genetics to argue that gay kids can be cured. Last month he accused the college of taking his work out of context, calling the pamphlet "misleading and incorrect."
Warren Throckmorton, a therapist who specializes in sexual orientation issues, also asked to have his research removed from the study.
"The letter and the website are just disingenuous," he says. "They say they're impartial and not motivated by political or religious concerns, but if you look at who they're affiliated with and how they're using the research, that's just obviously not true."
Indeed, the names attached to the publication read like a who's-who of the anti-gay medical message machine: Arthur Goldberg, a felon who bilked billions of dollars in a municipal-bond scheme and founded the Jewish gay-cure group JONAH; Joe Nicolosi, one of the leaders of the "ex-gay" organization NARTH;
`The Southern Poverty Law Center has repeatedly labeled the ACP as an anti-LGBT hate group that promotes false claims and misleading scientific reports. Chillingly, the group has moved beyond its online reports, deeper into the political arena. They have gone as far as filing amicus briefs to U.S. courts for major cases concerning LGBT rights. Their reports have gained traction, despite clear criticism from expert physicians in the field. When asked about the ACP, Dr. Scott Leibowitz, medical director of the THRIVE program at Nationwide Children's Hospital and chair of the sexual orientation and gender identity issues committee for the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, did not parse his words, "It can hardly be a credible medical organization when it consistently chooses to ignore science and the growing evidence base that clearly demonstrates the benefits of affirmative care with LGBT youth across all ages."´
Btw, here`s an article that rejects all her "arguments" against transsexual treatment:
Aaaaahhh.....what a great scientist this woman is. Speaking of science: For someone who claims to study medicine you are not behaving very scientific. It`s almost like, I don`t know, you made all of this up just so you can go ad vericundiam and claim that your opponents have no idea what they are talking about.
Omg XDDD the last link was on such poorly level that i wont even comment that.
I do tego agree always with dr cretella's views but in this case she is raight. And what they wrote about puberty blokers is not even worth commenting. Please read something about it.
Lmao this isn’t yaoi the main character is a women therefore this should be under shoujo only not shounen ai, and stop calling this gender bender please that’s extremely transphobic and please address the main character as she stop calling her him this is @ the people in the comments