You do realize pity and sumpathy are similar in meaning...right? This whole chapter is throwing us pity/sympathy pebbles, pulling at our heartstrings to see that Jiwon is just like any other human; one who craves the love he aches from. Unless there is some other-worldy explanation, as to why he became a dick towards the warmth he sought, that happens to be BIGGER than a simple heartache from a former first love, then he’s gotta go buy some elastic big boy pants coz that’s gonna take a while lot of growing up.
It’s Jiwon’s pity party and you are all invited!!! Don’t forget your tissues to wipe tears you shed for Jiwon and the knife to stab his first love in the face.
When you bring in a past like that, where all a child wanted was to feel even the smallest bit of love and appreciation from his parents and only got it once he hid behind a mask, you cannot not let go of your misplaced anger and hate for him. I mean, look at him! He was a fucking adorable child...such pinchable cheeks! Now he is a damn delicious-looking tall ass glass of water! Bitch I am dehydrated on the floor.
I cannot stand that he was daddy to that handsome fucker, though. Piss off. Good thing this is the backstory coz if Hwee - what is his name? Whatever. If old news comes back in the better buckle up.
Also, I take back whatever I said about Karma lingering around Jiwon. She can just run out the front door and leave him alone. He didn’t do anything wrong. He set his boundaries in the beginning and made clear what he wanted and expected.
I am just waiting for JW and DG to grow up.