Need help dealing with an intense infatuation

Destructablyindestructable November 7, 2018 12:59 pm

Hi guys, I just got back from jesus camp and Im having this hugee crush on this youth leader. He's from my school but he's like so holy, so pure and so innocent. I almost feel guilty for liking him haha.
anyways, they have this gathering every Tuesday night but I won't go cause i have ulterior and unpure motives.
I really want to make him mine and its driving me crazy even though I know this is gonna go away in like 2 weeks. Except rn all I think about is him and it takes me every ounce of my willpower to not message him and find him at all.
God is his number one priority, he's a committee member so he's always busy. I haven't felt this way for a long time. Help me. Please.

    Destructablyindestructable November 8, 2018 2:13 am
    Seriously, there is no reason behind being infatuated.Some say we fall for them due to their looks but that ain't true cuz I keep having crush over guys who are *ugly according to most of my friends*.So, just e... Langchimaple

    YEAAAAHH omg I have very questionable standards. Im not trying to sound conceited but I've been told I'm very pretty it's just that I have a very very tomboy and unladylike personality hahaha.
    It's semester break now and I can only see him next Tuesday and tbh I'm going a little out of my mind now because I don't know why but I miss him so bad and I really really want to see him.
    I'll try interacting with him more appropriately and hope that his jesusness turns me of quickly.
    I also love getting crushes because it makes me feel really giddy inside but sometimes it also brings me great pain and frustration haha
    Thanks for you advice!!!!

    Destructablyindestructable November 8, 2018 2:15 am
    same anonymous lad speaking, one more thing. stop attending a church you're not willing to commit with. you're just causing trouble for the serious ones and wasting your time. a church is not a place to look fo... @Anonymous

    Haha, I'm not really religious and I joined the camp because my friend kept pestering me about it. I don't think I plan on going to the gathering every Tuesday since as you said I don't wanna waste my time there haha.

    Destructablyindestructable November 8, 2018 2:21 am

    Thank you for all the replies people. I think I'll just let this crush ride itself out. Him and I are polar opposites, he's leaving next year, we have dramatically different views, I don't even know him that well.
    I'll avoid him for a while, out of sight out of mind.

    gu. November 8, 2018 12:12 pm
    You don't have to be religious to support "traditional views," to be homophobic, or to be discriminatory against other religions. There are plenty of people calling women sluts for wearing shorts, and they iden... @Anonymous

    Religions have nothing to do with that I live in a Muslim country where everyone is free to wear anything he or she wants it's just about your way of thinking and according to my experience with different people seculars were more open-minded and able to accept the others than religious Muslims and Christians