Webtoon IS FREE. I do not spend money on mangas and I do not have an income. Webtoon is an app you can easily download (without paying anything) and where you can rea wathever you wan't (again, without paying anything).
(Thus I'm not expecting any kid to pay something on their own and I don't think I said anything stupid.)

No its not silly to post that since the webcomic is already FREE on the app and the website of webtoon like curious_tendril said, there really shouldn't be a reason to read it here when you can legit support the author free there.
(tbh i started reading this on webtoon and dropped it but I still believe people reading should read it there instead)
I invite everyone reading on this platform to read this on Webtoon. I don't usually go around saying this, but the story is at the exact samepoint there, so the only difference for you is that you can actually show appreciation for the autor work and help her that way.