WHY, just why?

Galaxy November 6, 2018 6:20 pm

Why do people feel the need to write spoilers in topics? Like ok we get it you read new chapters, you don't have to write spoilers in topics.

    Trinity November 16, 2018 3:27 pm

    Go read it at timeless leaf.com that where everyone read ahead then you won’t have to be bothered about other people writing spoilers

    TooGood13 November 16, 2018 3:40 pm

    First, in my opinion, spoilers gets more attention thus let others go after the information they needed to know. Then once they read it, it helps clam their conscious for the answer they seek for their question. In another phrase, it's better to see it and believe it. Thus, these spoilers are not ruining the reader's fun, but makes them have closure. It's like a person cheating a test or homework by copying someone else's paper to have the correct answers. In the end, spoilers are the best exploits to get more readers and criticism. Plus, you don't read the spoilers since you don't like it. In the end, be happy that at least the people post up a warning sign of spoilers so read their comment.

    person November 23, 2018 4:39 am
    First, in my opinion, spoilers gets more attention thus let others go after the information they needed to know. Then once they read it, it helps clam their conscious for the answer they seek for their questio... TooGood13

    wtf are you saying

    person November 23, 2018 4:40 am
    Go read it at timeless leaf.com that where everyone read ahead then you won’t have to be bothered about other people writing spoilers Trinity

    I tried reading it there but their format sucks. It's even worse when you have crappy wifi like me.

    Syra Blue November 27, 2018 1:45 am
    wtf are you saying person

    Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
    So basically she's saying, even though the future plot is spoiled, it's still more fulfilling to actually see what's happening enfold in the story rather than hearing it from other people.