
That's because he had nothing to lose in the past, now he does. He honestly is afraid to lose Haebom and lets face it, Haebom has never done anything to reassure Taesung that he would choose him over Ms Ha. I mean even after dating he had thoughts like " I should give Taesung as much thoughts as I give Ms Ha" meaning he thinks about her more.
That was sound advice Taesung- talk it out with Haebom - don’t put him in a position to choose between you and Ms.Ha who’s been so kind to him and who he loves and respects when he doesn’t even have the full picture of what went down. A bit disappointed in Taesung, didn’t think his character in the past would pull this kind of attitude. He was more straightforward and honest.
I wouldn’t like it at all that my bf kept this from me and reach out to his friend instead of me when troubled! They should be a team, working together to handle the challenges they’ll face-