Firstly, i just wanna say i never expected the story to take tis turn. When they introducted Seunghee and Seungtaek, i thought they were gonna be a couple and binny-boo was going to be the jerk rival. The author literally gave me the biggest NOPE and was like psych, Seunghee is side-hoe MC (jk).
Anyways, my conflict lies with the uncle(the prevy blonde, not any actual uncles). He gives Seunghee some great afvice like about trying to make friends, (whtr SH wants friends is another matter) he seems to be trying to not take advantage, but then i remember he is a preferential ephibophile and is jusy playing the long-con bcuz he knows SH would drop his ass in a heartbeat if he tried sketchy shit. I like him right now as long as he remains a confidant, but i know, i just KNOOOOOOOOOW he gonna pull the same car shit he pulled on ST. Conflicted!!!!!
Firstly, i just wanna say i never expected the story to take tis turn. When they introducted Seunghee and Seungtaek, i thought they were gonna be a couple and binny-boo was going to be the jerk rival. The author literally gave me the biggest NOPE and was like psych, Seunghee is side-hoe MC (jk).
Anyways, my conflict lies with the uncle(the prevy blonde, not any actual uncles). He gives Seunghee some great afvice like about trying to make friends, (whtr SH wants friends is another matter) he seems to be trying to not take advantage, but then i remember he is a preferential ephibophile and is jusy playing the long-con bcuz he knows SH would drop his ass in a heartbeat if he tried sketchy shit. I like him right now as long as he remains a confidant, but i know, i just KNOOOOOOOOOW he gonna pull the same car shit he pulled on ST. Conflicted!!!!!