SW actually looked like he was terrified of his mum all the time.
Especially when he was tied up with his mum sitting on top of him. It was confusion and horror on his face. So in no way did he enjoy being sexually enjoyed by his mum. A lot of rape victims feel immense guilt and trauma bcoz of the biological reaction of their body at the time of assault. You cannot control how your body reacts but that does not mean the victim actually enjoyed it/wanted it.
Are ppl really that ignorant when it comes to basics info of sex assaults?

Okay, maybe my choice of words was a bit off. Yes, he was assaulted and that moment he felt what you described, but events which are happening now and SW words lead me to believe that he was in love with his mother. But this love was based on madness. And that assault broke him to pieces as she wished. This is so fucked up, I don't even know how deep it can go. But I still strongly believe that at the present then he has sex with Bum and in mind comparing that to the assault he is not feeling bad, he literally says ,,yes it feels good. Mom."

I think you've definitely got something going on there. However, an explanation that still aids this narrative is that his mum assaulted him in a manner where the rape wasn't " brutal" in the sense that his body could naturally feel pleasure. But that doesn't mean he actually liked it or felt love for her. That might explain the loathing he feels when he has sex with other women and but maybe even Bum at times. At the moment of assault, she was also role-playing I believe - SW was the husband (coz how she would keep calling him babe) and she's the wife and SW (the son who she never wanted) doesn't exist at all. And ofc it was a moment where she did indeed absolutely break him as she had total power over him.
Everything is conflicting for him starting from the fact that this woman is his mum and since she has acted unstable all his life - so maybe part of him can't blame her, as she has manipulated to him an extent where he can't break her hold even after her death. So even if he has greatly realized by now what she tried to do to him all this time he still feels responsible and thus guilty that he felt good at that moment even when probably absolutely hated it (remember his eyes in that panel, he was terrified).
He is also constantly hallucinating and mixing bum up with his mum. Partly bcoz of the resemblance and also coz all this time he had been laying the cards, setting Bum up to situations that would play out like his past and bum to take the role of the mother and him the father. So while he has grown attached to his own captive he has gotten muddled with his own set up and Bum is ultimately nothing like his mum, he actually feels sth for him. So the entire business gets even more convoluted and more of a mess for SW's fucked-up mind.
Not sure if I made a lot of sense due to the factor of unreliable, dream-like narrative I'm KS and my writing being very haphazard from sleep deprivation.
I guess Sangwoo madness bloomed in all the colors when he realized that he actually enjoyed what his mom did to him. And from that moment his sane and mad sides are in everlasting battle.