Manga with good story line

Dandannoodle November 1, 2018 1:33 pm

After reading over 2000 yaoi/shounen ai mangas within less than 2 years, am bored with the bang bang bang without contents. Anyone can recommend me lists of good shounen ai with very good story line? I might already read it, but maybe something else from your list I haven’t read. Thank you!!!

    Ondonte November 1, 2018 2:02 pm

    saaaame ff

    FrenzyFujoshi(> <) November 1, 2018 2:27 pm

    Ok. I find myself in the best opportunity to recommend Mo Dao Zu Shi. I cannot find enough words to describe how much, just how much someone like you, or me, NEEDS IT. Its got love scenes too, but only what is REAL development. Its an entire NEW world which i find myself surprised that its yaoi.
    Its originally a Danmei (Chinese BL novel), but has got donghua (anime) and as well as manhua and audio drama adaptation. For getting a basic idea of the setting, i recommend the anime upto 2-5 episodes be4 reading the nov. It will pique your interest. (it seems so unpopular here, would you believe me officially it has 1.5+B views just in a few months? It deserves so. )
    Then, start with the novel.

    Jiminie33 November 1, 2018 2:29 pm

    Have u tried Heesu in class 2? The mc makes the most adorable faces and I feel my soul purified by this manhwa. Another good plot one is my starry sky.

    FrenzyFujoshi(> <) November 1, 2018 2:33 pm
    Ok. I find myself in the best opportunity to recommend Mo Dao Zu Shi. I cannot find enough words to describe how much, just how much someone like you, or me, NEEDS IT. Its got love scenes too, but only what is... FrenzyFujoshi(> <)

    dumb sausage fingers. Ok, so where i was?
    * Then read the manhua.
    And DONE!!! Welcome to the fandom!
    Its a loss of lifetime according to me, to not be a fangirl of Mo Dao Zu Shi.
    It knows how to play with your emotions. Its so scary and tragic at times, almost traumatic, other times its so sweet and fluffy you'll giggle like a little girl.