a manga I read a long time ago but didn't save

Woobiego October 31, 2018 5:33 pm

It starts with the seme returning to japan after he was abroad for a few years. He goes back to his apartment where he, and his cute an smol uke boyfriend, lived before he to go abroad. He is greeted by a tall and manly man who is living there. the seme is shocked bc his boyfriend is supposed to still be living there. I forget what happens in between but it turns out that the tall man is actually the small cute uke, but he went through a major growth spurt while the seme was gone and he was sad bc he thought that the seme would break up with him now that hes no longer cute and can't fit into the costumes anymore. but the end up switching rolls and now the seme is the once small uke and the uke is now the previous seme. I really want to reread this manga but I can't find it
