Only 2 chapters left

NelielTuLee October 30, 2018 7:55 pm

Only 2 chapters left

    Anonymous October 30, 2018 7:57 pm


    Aryr1991 October 30, 2018 8:42 pm

    Not 2 but 3 this end at ch 43 and after there is a side story about Dojin big bro and Hesoo

    BabyI October 30, 2018 8:53 pm

    3 more chapters are not enough. :c

    Aryr1991 October 30, 2018 9:00 pm

    Yeah i know but i hope there are Life moment about Dojin , Hyesung and Byul too and not only the side story about the other two guys tough i m happy to see the approach between a dominant Alpha and a beta

    12345dangkhoa October 31, 2018 5:57 am
    3 more chapters are not enough. :c BabyI

    Yes :(( i need more. I've fallen in love with Fargo's manhwa. Since "If you hate me that much " ended,i've read this manhwa because its author is Fargo. I also look forward to see her new story :>