I like Hye Seong, change my mind...

Ivonna October 30, 2018 5:32 pm

Ok so I'm ging to voice a really unpopular opinion here but i can sorta understang hye seong ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
In fact, i totally symphatize with the poor soul...
Fos staters he's really young and struggling a lot with a ton of his deapest fears becoming reality, he's also had to become a parent against his will and I think he basically feels, because he became an omega, he is going to become his mother and he's scared shitless of reapeting his parent relationship.
However in a very desperate attempt to avoid this, he inevitably makes bad choices, repeting his mom's choices. Why? Because this is what he was thaught. Breaking a cycle like this is very hard. I really dont understand when some of you say there is no character development here... Hye seong is struggling all the time, he is trying different things to cope with reality but he's become very aware of his new place in society, his power as an omega, the complex relationship of hate-love he has with Dojin. Dojin represents everything he hates but also everything he wanted for himself. How can he not reject and alpha mate? Accepting him would mean he has to accept a ton of awful things he never wanted for himself: being an omega, being submited to the power of an alpha, the posibility of being trapped like his mother, etc...
I like that he's going down fighting, i like that doesn't curl up to Dojin and choses an easy life simply because he has no choice, i like that even though he has nothing, he is fighting for his right to choose the life he wants.

This is what makes the story interesting. To be honest i dind't expect this story to have such depth...

All of you who are "OMG!! He is cheating I hate this!! Bad omega, bad dog" need to go back to all your little-uke-loves-big-manly-seme-and-submits-to-the-patriarcal-values-without-questioning-fandom where everything is comming up roses. I love those kinds of stories too, but i think you guys hate very strongly anything that doesn't fit that lovely shoujo-sweet-princess-boy-uke pattern.

Ok sorry for the rant but i just wanted to get this off my chest.
Here's some cake ya'll (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
