
Otaku October 30, 2018 3:47 am

This story had so much potential. Hyensung had so many aspects to his character that could have been explored. His math skills, his family trauma, his past but Sensei didn’t develop him at all. He is still as immature and cowardly as in the first chapter. And I’m not talking about the baby. I am completely pro choice and he doesn’t have to be a mama if he doesn’t want to, but all this self pity and self destruction? Can’t he grow up a little? Can’t he develop a little through his experiences? It’s so disappointing!

    V-chan October 30, 2018 4:00 am

    I don't think this is a pro-choice vs pro-life thing anymore since the baby is already born. the responsible thing to do is be the best parent you can be since the child is already here.
    but otherwise than that, I completely agree with you this manga had so much potential but the mangaka chooses to focus on cliche plot points like misunderstanding and miscommunication