i'm shaming no one here, just stating facts and what? he doesn't love him? plzz are we reading the same thing? the dude is in clear denial because he's under some sort of illusion that he doesn't deserve to be loved - thanks to daddy's stupid mouth, it's just a question of time but prostitution is certainty not the anwser. he has a friend why not try that option first if dojin is out of the equation ?

Oooooo boy!!!Then you can have sex with some random guy..even when u meet your first child for the first time..the same day..No matter how much a child is born out of love a normal person don't do that..But if according to you it's totally normal then..I've to say we've just TOO much different morals and thinking ways...
It's crazy how you guys saying shit about hyesung for trying to sleep with someone else. BUT NO ONE said shit about Dojin when he tried to sleep with another omega. Y'all dick riding Dojin so much.