Also, not saying you can't enjoy it, just pointing out certain aspects that have pissed me...

1/5 incredibly sexist portraya October 27, 2018 6:09 am

Also, not saying you can't enjoy it, just pointing out certain aspects that have pissed me off while reading this manga

I'm only on chapter 14 so maybe this changes, but I actually find the mc to be incREdibly frustrating. During the case with the high school student getting hurt after framing people as rapists, the mc suddenly demonizes her old friend even when it is revealed that he did was not a rapist. She ends up saying that the real problem is the fact that the men desired to idealize this sort of interaction in the first place. Yet, there has not been any addressing of host clubs and the like, she only demonizes men to be that. She completely forgives the high school girl for her wrongdoings just because she was suddenly a victim. Becoming a victim does not mean that your previous actions are justified or forgiven and I dislike how readily the manga perpetuates that trope. While I am not in agreement with how extreme Yuki takes it, the mangaka should consider this: who is worse the men who objectify women or the women who readily take advantage of that objectification? Objectifying anyone is wrong, but being a women does not mean that you can't be guilty of objectifying yourself. I am not talking about wearing revealing clothing here, a girl should be able to where whatever the fuck they want without getting raped, I am referring to the girls extort others specifically in this case I suppose. Also, this constant idea of virginity as a female's worth is also disgusting to me. A girl is more than just her virginity, whether or not she chooses to engage sexually is up to her, but the mangaka has literally made the mcs biggest achievement up to this point to be the fact that she's a virgin. Maybe it gets better but as of now, instead of truly being a feminist manga, this is an extremely sexist portrayal of feminism.

    Kelly October 29, 2020 9:54 am

    Finally someone has put it into words!!!