Normally Id find an uke like Nanao kinda annoying (always over-thinking and insecure) but I really like the way this mangaka balances his character.
He is deeply insecure and fragile, but after reading his whole history how could he not be? At the same time he wants to embrace his sex appeal but at the cost of losing Aikawa.
I kinda had the similar problems when I was in school. So his personality doesn't bother me the way other emotional ukes do.
sorry i meant to say *not at the cost of losing Aikawa*
October 11, 2013 5:06 pm
Yes, it's because he's well developed and layered. He's not your typical weepy uke and he's very honest about his feelings of love.
He's insecure, but he also is not led around by a seme. He's the one who started the relationship and loves being in love and having sex (two things I think most ukes hate...). He's also really easy to sympahtize with because he tires sooo hard, but just has his past holding him back. He's just a really awesome character tbh!
Normally Id find an uke like Nanao kinda annoying (always over-thinking and insecure) but I really like the way this mangaka balances his character.
He is deeply insecure and fragile, but after reading his whole history how could he not be? At the same time he wants to embrace his sex appeal but at the cost of losing Aikawa.
I kinda had the similar problems when I was in school. So his personality doesn't bother me the way other emotional ukes do.