i agree with u... before becoming preg there should have been an understanding between them.. there was no love .. only agreement.. now that dojin is confessing it should have been done before.. but everything here is being done backwards .. which making the the situation even more.. so it situations fault.. you cant forcefully make a person fall for someone. and judging by Hyesung's past it is dificult to accept everything jut like that u know.. before blaming hyeung ppl should pray that there situation improves..

honestly i agree with you 100% but i also get that he frustrates a lot of people, because most actually feel for the child and just want them to be happy and paint their own picture in their head of what they should look like. but yeah even if its his upbringing hyesung is still a dick, a dick is a dick no matter his circumstances (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

thank you soooo much!! I don't understand people blaming Hyesung and fawning over Dojin.
Hyesung did nothing wrong per se. I actually feel so sorry for him. Dojin did so many wrong things and that so many readers expect Hyesung to accept his feelings just because he is now a father (I actually don't like saying mother, cause he is still a guy), which he doesnt even want to be and because Dojin treats him "well" is bs. You cant expect people to reciprocate your feelings if you act all nicely and push your onesided feelings on them. That's just not how it works lmao.
And Dojin wanting to use the baby to bind Hyesung to him is just so dumb and the exact same thing of women trying to get forcibly pregnant so that their boyfriends don't leave them. People blaming Hyesung for not accepting his baby is therefore in my opinion not justified. He wasn't ready to became a parent.

I don’t get why people are still hating on Hyesung for running away, for not taking responsibility and for his behaviour towards Dojin.
1) Dojin and Hyesung are not lovers! They were just living together before due to circumstances.
2) Hyesung didn’t want the baby in the first place. He wanted to do abortion but Dojin was against it as the baby is also his. And the fact that Hyesung doesn’t want the baby doesn’t change even after Byul was born.
3)Dojin promised he would take care of the baby and would let Hyesung off from the responsibility. That was the deal when Hyesung agreed not to do the abortion. Now Dojin is kinda forcing him to stay, to take the responsibility. But you blame Hyesung?!
4)Hyesung used to be an alpha! He had that pride of being alpha, which was THE ONLY thing he was proud of about himself. The fact that he was an alpha saved him from being prostituted by his father. Now suddenly, after all those years of being an alpha, he is an omega. Nit even a beta, but an omega. And then he was suddenly pregnant, and the father of the baby is the man he hated .
5)Hyesung is 20 years old, that’s why he’s immature. In addition to that, he had a rough childhood. That’s why he’s selfish and aggressive towards people. He wasn’t being loved by his father and family. What kind of behaviour do you expect from people who growing up with lack of love from anyone? Have you seen problematic teenagers? Most of the problems stem from the fact that they are from a broken family or problematic family.
6)And his immaturity is then intensified when he’s pregnant. It’s hormonal imbalance guys. You become sensitive and emotional during that period of time.
7)Just because Dojin loves him and treating him good, it doesn’t mean he has to reciprocate that feeling.
8) Dojin did rape him. And Dojin did it again in current episode. You think Hyesung would be happy about that?