Nini Niji October 24, 2018 7:32 am

You can find it here:

    Nini Niji October 24, 2018 8:14 am

    Also, raindragin can go ahwad and scanlate it. We don't care. We don't do this for the fame. We do it because we love the series :)

    raindragon October 24, 2018 10:29 pm
    Also, raindragin can go ahwad and scanlate it. We don't care. We don't do this for the fame. We do it because we love the series :) Nini Niji

    my group isn't even active anymore because I have too much work. I already said that. As I also said, I would have had to call in a favor. Even then, it could only be a script, no scanlation. So please stop trying to make me look bad. You've already made best efforts at that.

    I thought you were dropping Remnant so I was just trying to help out.

    I post a few Remnant remarks to a comment section on Mangago, and you make it my whole life.

    You can't piece together a simple apology for accusing someone of something they didn't do. I don't know what's up with you. Aside from saying things back to people who have been saying things ten times worse to me, I haven't done anything to you guys except offer to help out. twice now. Me trying to be nice to people who just won't see it.

    You posted something about me on Tumblr? I wish you hadn't done that. I already told you I can't find stuff on Tumblr. Also, Tumblr has its bad sides. Tons of mirror sites all over the place is one of them.

    Over some deleted accounts, which, come on, you know is no big deal because the mangago people have to make efforts to understand our English, and they probably didn't know whose those accounts were anyway. Over a few deleted accounts, you're going to take it out on your loyal fans who freaking adore this manga, who are dying for updates, and you're going to make them go and jump through all of Tumblr's stupid hoops, have an account, click through a million confusing links, download a reader. Why take this out on your loyal fans?

    Some of this was hilarious, but mostly this has been a horrible experience. I don't even want to look at what you said on Tumblr

    Arisa October 24, 2018 10:46 pm
    my group isn't even active anymore because I have too much work. I already said that. As I also said, I would have had to call in a favor. Even then, it could only be a script, no scanlation. So please stop... raindragon

    You are already making yourself look bad, even without that tumblr post. Why do you think your comments get down voted so many times that it's deleted. You got exposed for being a crazy person. #BitchesBeCrazy #Exposed

    Nini Niji October 24, 2018 11:27 pm
    my group isn't even active anymore because I have too much work. I already said that. As I also said, I would have had to call in a favor. Even then, it could only be a script, no scanlation. So please stop... raindragon

    Yes, poor you.

    I only reply to once more correct one of your false statements: I have never accused you of anything. You felt caught. Maybe because you were the one reporting us, I don't know but you and no one else make it look like it. The more you talk, the worse you make it, because what you say is utter bullshit (excuse my language). I wouldnt even know where to start witj correcting the statements in your comment, so i won't even begin xD its also not worth my time.

    I've got so many dm's from people who feel annoyed by your comments and threads for a while now. Maybe you should think about that for a moment instead of continuing with this little act here.

    Like i said in my email: i wish you all the best. :)

    Nini Niji October 24, 2018 11:31 pm
    Yes, poor you.I only reply to once more correct one of your false statements: I have never accused you of anything. You felt caught. Maybe because you were the one reporting us, I don't know but you and no one ... Nini Niji

    Wait, let me repeat it, because last time when i wrote all in caps that we're not dropping remnant you made a post 5 minutes later spreading lies that we're dropping remnant, so just to make sure that you get it this time: i never said that you reported Ash. Not once.
    I suspected you, but i never said your name out loud. You called yourself out. Well done.

    raindragon October 25, 2018 3:40 am
    Wait, let me repeat it, because last time when i wrote all in caps that we're not dropping remnant you made a post 5 minutes later spreading lies that we're dropping remnant, so just to make sure that you get i... Nini Niji

    saying you didn't name names doesn't work. I was the only person you could have been talking about. You might as well have hung a big red sign around my neck. You subsequently proved me right. Why are you still refusing to take any responsibility?

    You've driven home your point. Now let me drive home mine AGAIN. I did not understand that you were not dropping Remnant, only withdrawing from mangago. I posted the comment about asking my translator for a favor before I read your comments. I already had it on my clipboard so I pasted it as soon as I opened this page. I read your comments after that.
    On my break today I came here with the intention of deleting that post. If I'd thought of it last night, I would have deleted it then. Someone had already saved me the trouble. I will not and do not want to have anything to do with Remnant. I never will. Ever. Once again, I have my own manga. I'm too busy. Even if I weren't, I still would not have anything to do with Remnant Kemonohito Omegaverse. Period.

    I did look at what you said on Tumblr. You can really be mean, you know? I guess you forgot what I said in the email I sent along with those sample pages. If you hadn't, you couldn't honestly have said all those mean things because that note contradicts most of what you said and implied about me and my intentions. You make me sound like a real bastard, but the truth is I really did sincerely think you guys might need some help. I had no way of knowing you were working off the Tankobon, did I?

    In your Tumblr post you go to a lot of trouble to show and tell everyone that it's all "Sensei's" style that you're remaining true to, but given the choice, most people would still enjoy seeing more of of the intimacy between Daato and Juda. I'm just saying.....

    This is difficult because you won't do whatever I say, and I do want you to remove that post from Tumblr.
    People will read those statements and, to your face they will cheer you on, but up inside their heads they will be wondering if you'd do the same thing to them. This kind of stuff scares people. You also lose a few points off them thinking you're a good nice person. They're going to go away thinking you're more vindictive than they thought. It would be better for you if you removed it. You sound bitchy and vengeful. You don't come off at all like you think you do. What i'm saying is good advice. I hope someone who actually cares about you tells you the same thing. Listening to your sycophants won't help at all. If I talk to Tumblr, they will ask you to remove it anyway. Do we really have to do that pointless exercise?

    You don't know my gender. I don't mind all the she this and she that, but you're assuming you know a lot more about me than you really do.

    Slandering someone on Tumblr is a lot different than slandering them on mangago. I think you know that. Add to that, the comments made here last night were made to an empty comment section. No one is around here since you said you weren't doing any more updates. All of our words were wiped away less than 24 hours later. What you say on Tumblr is a more serious circumstance. Over some petty squabble, are you really so bad a person that you're willing to affect someone's ability to make a living?

    Sheesh, I'm trying to talk sense to someone who just mocked me with, "poor you" Jesus christ, can you please check your ego?

    you seem to think I was mad that you didn't reply to my email fast enough. I don't know where you got that. I wasn't mad in the least, and I haven't said I was. I understood that you might be busy, and I accepted what your representative told me. I didn't like the rudeness. Common sense should have told you and your people that the matter should be handled in an email instead of an open forum.

    I think I'm finished with this conversation. I'm sorry we couldn't have ended this more amicably.

    raindragon October 25, 2018 3:50 am
    You are already making yourself look bad, even without that tumblr post. Why do you think your comments get down voted so many times that it's deleted. You got exposed for being a crazy person. #BitchesBeCrazy ... Arisa

    you know what? Shut up, you dumb hole.

    Nucha October 25, 2018 7:21 am
    you know what? Shut up, you dumb hole. raindragon

    Hello, sycophant here. No one agrees with you, and we all think you are a dumb bitch. Yesterday you said you dont know nothing about tumblr yet today you are so knowledgeable about it, that you are sooo sure tumblr would remove the post. Makes sense. You sound so fucking dumb I can’t even comprehend how you function on your daily life. So yeah, no one will think badly about nina, since she simply posted all the shit you did, they will just read that post and think you are a huuuuge idiot, sorry about that, sucks to be you. Also, you have the nerve to say you “are a manga artist like Hana sensei”, yet nina is the one that needs to check her ego? Please. That did make me laugh after looking at your art though, thanks for that (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Oreides October 25, 2018 11:22 am
    Hello, sycophant here. No one agrees with you, and we all think you are a dumb bitch. Yesterday you said you dont know nothing about tumblr yet today you are so knowledgeable about it, that you are sooo sure tu... Nucha

    I would appreciate it if you all clarify your disputes in private.
    after all I've read, I do not know who is actually victim or villain.
    Both sides are fantastic in making things big.
    who isn't able to stay friendly should be quite.
    For my part I am disgusted; please don't mobilize people in your little war.
    The real life of others doesn't concern you anyway, so why this hateful?

    I wish the comments were moderated, as is usual in a forum...

    I'm not saying that you all should be silent. I just want you people to sort out your own problems in private, on your own. Any tension, any action can do harm and I don't want to get in involved in something just because I decided to read the comment section, I have an tumblraccount or I read a manga I like.
    No drama quys. Please.

    Nucha October 25, 2018 12:11 pm
    I would appreciate it if you all clarify your disputes in private.after all I've read, I do not know who is actually victim or villain.Both sides are fantastic in making things big. who isn't able to stay frien... Oreides

    If you see the comment is gonna be something you dont like, dont read it. If you aren’t interested, dont read it. If you dont wanna see it on tumblr, dont go to that post. I dont have to cather what i say to your sensibilities. She insulted, difamated and spread lies about a dear friend of mine, multiple times. I do not feel the need to “be friendly” to someone like that. No one is trying to mobilize anyone. You don’t like it and feel disgusted? Simple, dont pay attention to it, its not your problem or concern.

    Nini Niji October 25, 2018 12:18 pm

    I posted facts, nothing more. And i don't have to be liked by everyone. It's fine if people don't like me as long as they enjoy our scanlations. But i want our readers to know that we are not dropping this series as you said.
    But talking to you is completely pointless since you twist and turn everything around as you please to make you seem like the victim. It's fine, feel free to to so, because everything is so well documented, people can judge themselves.

    The only thing here I'm guilty of is assuming your gender. For that I apologize. I'm sorry for assuming that you're female.

    This is the last thing I'm going to say to that. I won't delete that post, that's pointless anyway since it has been reblogged already. But feel free to report me to tumblr. People contacted me there because of what you wrote here, that's why i posted it there. And because i needed to pit the screenshots in there becaude they're prove of your false statements. Facts.
    I don't like you, and i really hope that this is over now because i usually avoid people i don't like. I would like to return to that, so i hope you will just stop with this bs. There is so much stuff in your comment that makes me shake my head again. I'm getting really tired of you. And people who know me know that all this is so much against my principles, but you were the one who forced me into this.

    One last time: i wish you all the best. Have a good live, now please leave mine again. Thank you.

    raindragon October 25, 2018 3:03 pm
    I posted facts, nothing more. And i don't have to be liked by everyone. It's fine if people don't like me as long as they enjoy our scanlations. But i want our readers to know that we are not dropping this seri... Nini Niji

    with 239 likes, using advertising standards thats 6000 hit points of damage. We're getting up into American Comic Industry Legal Representative territory. Take the post down or I'll ask Tumblr for their assistance. You never needed to do anything. I haven't lied. I'm not a liar, but I am deadly serious about removing that post. I'll do whatever it takes. On this I do have recourse.

    Nini Niji October 25, 2018 3:43 pm

    You know what? I seriously don't care if you report me. It's your hobby it seems. I've dealt with publishers before because people reported me, don't think I'm scared of you. But I'm tired of dealing with you. I want you out of my life, so I'm going to delete that post and hope you'll get off my ass now.

    raindragon October 25, 2018 5:44 pm
    You know what? I seriously don't care if you report me. It's your hobby it seems. I've dealt with publishers before because people reported me, don't think I'm scared of you. But I'm tired of dealing with you. ... Nini Niji

    thank you