Really shocked

pikapika October 23, 2018 10:13 pm

I don't know if I'm the only one but I found the bullying stories extremely disturbing and hurting that I can't really read them till the end, they even gave me nightmares. (Not saying they are bad, just I'm weak to read it) Once I started Save Me (not sure about name but it was also from Lezhin) as well, but it was more terrifying and I couldn't read it as well, even though I love psychological things. Gotta say, I haven't been bullied and I don't really know what kind of thing it is but these scenes are giving me a huge shock, are there anybody whom is this fucking terrible? I saw something that says bullying stories are often from real life, so I can't really... I mean what does the teachers doing? Why everyone is in silence? I can't really believe it. And I realised that bullying theme is more popular on manhwas. Is bullying that high and instense in Korea? Or is it same everywhere?
(Haven't read till the end as well , my mentality is crumbling, need some fluffy stuff, Im so weaak lol)

    pikapika October 23, 2018 10:14 pm


    lee October 24, 2018 5:09 pm

    dude i understand how you feel when i read these type i worried a lot more so ur not weak it show ur not a heartless pig