I find it funny how you wanted to retaliate but didn't have any logical argument you focused on her grammatical mistakes... hahahahha.. very nice
I find it funny how you wanted to retaliate but didn't have any logical argument (so) you focused on her grammatical mistakes... hahahahha.. very nice.
oopps... my bad I didn't mean that XD
I find it funny how you immediately assumed this person's gender.. no hate tho. On the other hand, I do think that focusing your attention on the person's grammatical error more than the argument itself is pretty dumb.
Dude, they weren't focusing on the grammatical mistakes. Since Yumiswife said they has moved on from YESTERDAY, and again said "my opinion has changed", it implies Yumiswife hasn't moved on and is still obsessed thinking it's rape.
Why are y'all so desperate to prove what is or isnt rape in this manga. You guys really need to stop acting like your opinion/interpretation is fact. The chapter hasnt even been uploaded and y'all are already trying to fight for the sake of a fictional character. Are you trying to redeem yourselves or something