Please Help!

Aurinne October 23, 2018 2:49 pm

I don't know what to say to the person who left the comment in the link, but I know we are a diverse and generally supportive community here and many have gone through similar experiences. It seems genuine, and I can't just ignore a suicide comment. Please leave them your own thoughts if you can.

    RiperoniPepperoni October 23, 2018 3:23 pm

    Gonna be real here, I have seen a lot of posts like these and generally that seems kinda like a call for attention. I have been suicidal a long time ago and I have known many who tried to kill themself and a person who ended up killing themself. They are usually not very vocal about it, especially online. Lets just give them the benefit of doubt. Either way. If you can relate, go from there. Tell them how you overcame it.

    I´m gonna talk about my personal experience for a while. I was extremely depressed for pretty much a decade and everything just seemed painful, tedious and pointless. Much like that person seems to feel. I just couldn´t ever see a point in living because to me there was nothing worth living, everything seemed boring and I didn´t want to do anything. I was in the kinda mindset where I thought "If I died now, I wouldn´t regret it and embrace it" or "If there was a button that could just erase me I wouldn´t hesitate to press it".
    And for over half a decade that was my mindset and I felt like I´m just on autopilot. It was terrible. And I still feel like this every now and again, it often stems from self loathing. But with time and the dedication of people around me and myself I got better. I learned to love myself a little more each day. Back then I refused to become obessed over franchises and other stuff, or refused to act on hunches. But I decided I should just do whatever makes me happy and if its sitting around at 3am watching a disney movie and eating ice cream. With time and the love of people around me, and my own sheer willpower to live and see the next day I´m still here. Doing whatever I wanted and finding happiness in small things, really helped me. I slowly learned that there is a lot to learn for. Fact is for the longest time I didn´t want to help myself, but slowly with time I thought "Ahh, wouldn´t it be nice if I could enjoy life as much as the others", and I slowly wanted to help myself. And thats why I´m still here.

    Aurinne October 23, 2018 3:30 pm
    Gonna be real here, I have seen a lot of posts like these and generally that seems kinda like a call for attention. I have been suicidal a long time ago and I have known many who tried to kill themself and a pe... RiperoniPepperoni

    I agree that we can't know for sure how genuine someone is, but I'd rather "waste" time helping someone who didn't need it, than ignore someone who did.

    So, thanks for such a thoughtful reply.

    RiperoniPepperoni October 23, 2018 3:38 pm
    I agree that we can't know for sure how genuine someone is, but I'd rather "waste" time helping someone who didn't need it, than ignore someone who did.So, thanks for such a thoughtful reply. Aurinne

    Absolutely agree, you never really know but In all truth I would rather waste my time extending help to someone than refuse to help because it might be "fake" and miss a chance.

    You´re welcome, I hope it helped in some form or way, and if not I hope it was at least entertaining to read.

    escape October 23, 2018 4:48 pm

    Wow. It’s still a beautiful world.