Don’t like the ending. October 23, 2018 1:55 pm

The story is great so far until Misao became pregnant. The angst at the end of the story really disagree with me and I have my reasons. To me personally, I feel that Kyou love his son but a part of him hates Sou at the same time. I have a hard time grasping if Kyou’s affection towards his son is real. We all know he worked so hard to be able to be with Misao and it would kill him if she dies, I get it. But it doesn’t really call for the way he nearly hit his son (that’s a sign of potential abuse). I mean, Misao almost died because she choose to carry on with the pregnancy and I admire her for it. Kyou on the other hand couldn’t accept it and IF Misao had died, his attitude towards Sou would be a 360°. It’s just parents have to sometime realizes that a child is not to be blame for their mother’s death. No children ASKED to be born so in no way do they deserve this sort of treatment. Kyou have to also realized that they’re in this predicament because he and Misao isn’t careful during intercourse. Is it a child’s fault if their parent messed up? Absolutely not. If you look closely, Kyou is barely holding it together. The only reason he’s able to express affection for Sou is because Misao is still alive. She is the pillar of his support. Y’all think this is romantic, which to some degree it is, but this kind of entangled relationship is not healthy. Your significant other is your other half, not your everything.

    Mara Sempai October 26, 2018 8:12 am

    Indeed you make a valid point of view but there will always be exceptions and the exception here is kyou and misao relationship, kyou placed his whole life on misao on how to make her his but still in reality for people who where mentally abused not appreciated not loved when growing up when they finally find their patner they not only cherish them but also affraid of losing them after knowing such happiness & warmth. I agree with you that if misao wasn't there kyou and sou-chan relationship would turn 360 degrees but time would have healed kyou's heart every time he saw a remarkableness in sou-chan to his beloved Misao but still every can be irrational when it comes to their reason for living which in kyou's case is misao. And still you would have to agree that in most child-parent relationship the mother is more likely to be the emotional pillar or the bridge between the father and child if you put it this way Misao & Kyou would't be as strange.

    arebg452 November 20, 2018 4:52 am

    I actually disagree with you because I liked the fact that Kyou is so flawed and imperfect as a character. So many times in shoujo manga the male lead is this uber perfect person that is good at everything, always kind, fair, honorable and that has all the money in the world and is gorgeous and smart and has virtually no flaws. Even if they had a hard past they have overcome it completely and are now perfect (think Special A, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Ouran, Red River...).
    The fact that Kyou is basically a co-dependent person and has that obsessive nature that might even surpass his love for Misao (like when he tried to forced her to do the preservation spell) and the fact that he has deep sequels of violence that he still cannot overcome, deep seated fears and prejudices that he is too psychologically weak to get rid of, makes this manga all the more beautiful to me. People are not perfect, they shouldn't be asked to be and everyone deals with trauma differently. And sure, Sou is not at fault for what happened to Misao and he is not responsible for her legs being damaged, but I don't fault Kyou his moment of weakness because when you have a trauma and that trauma is triggered by something (like Sou complaining that Misao walks too slowly) it turns you into a different person. You might not like that person very much and you might want one overcome the trauma that causes you to become like that, but it's not always possible. I don't think violence is the answer but I don't think the full extent, beauty and depth of this manga should be dismissed by only that single moment of fault. Everyone has their opinions of course, but I believe this is one of the romances with the best 2 leading characters that there are right now in the market.

    arebg452 November 20, 2018 4:53 am

    I actually disagree with you because I liked the fact that Kyou is so flawed and imperfect as a character. So many times in shoujo manga the male lead is this uber perfect person that is good at everything, always kind, fair, honorable and that has all the money in the world and is gorgeous and smart and has virtually no flaws. Even if they had a hard past they have overcome it completely and are now perfect (think Special A, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Ouran, Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, Akatsuki no Yona, Red River...).
    The fact that Kyou is basically a co-dependent person and has that obsessive nature that might even surpass his love for Misao (like when he tried to forced her to do the preservation spell) and the fact that he has deep sequels of violence that he still cannot overcome, deep seated fears and prejudices that he is too psychologically weak to get rid of, makes this manga all the more beautiful to me. People are not perfect, they shouldn't be asked to be and everyone deals with trauma differently. And sure, Sou is not at fault for what happened to Misao and he is not responsible for her legs being damaged, but I don't fault Kyou his moment of weakness because when you have a trauma and that trauma is triggered by something (like Sou complaining that Misao walks too slowly) it turns you into a different person. You might not like that person very much and you might want one overcome the trauma that causes you to become like that, but it's not always possible. I don't think violence is the answer but I don't think the full extent, beauty and depth of this manga should be dismissed by only that single moment of fault. Everyone has their opinions of course, but I believe this is one of the romances with the best 2 leading characters that there are right now in the market.

    ECRUZ0402 February 1, 2019 9:04 pm
    I actually disagree with you because I liked the fact that Kyou is so flawed and imperfect as a character. So many times in shoujo manga the male lead is this uber perfect person that is good at everything, alw... arebg452

    I'm agree with you 100 % @arebg452

    ECRUZ0402 February 1, 2019 9:04 pm
    I actually disagree with you because I liked the fact that Kyou is so flawed and imperfect as a character. So many times in shoujo manga the male lead is this uber perfect person that is good at everything, alw... arebg452

    I'm agree with you 100 % @arebg452(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Kaisha December 29, 2019 5:10 pm

    Whew! I completely agree OP! I always get so frustrated with Kyou when Misao gets pregnant and the way he acts towards the baby. It saddens me to think that Sou has to grow up being blamed for being the cause of his mother's ailments.

    ... July 1, 2021 5:55 pm
    Whew! I completely agree OP! I always get so frustrated with Kyou when Misao gets pregnant and the way he acts towards the baby. It saddens me to think that Sou has to grow up being blamed for being the cause o... Kaisha
