
InsecurePersonNo2 October 22, 2018 6:00 pm

I've re-read the whole story. And I just get that:

1) The main reason [uke] wanted to run away is because he's scared of the responsibilities that he'll be carrying as a parent
2) He might've or might've not still run away even if the other guy didn't help him
3) All the false information the other guy fed him just raised his fear.

To conclude, he doesn't want to be a parent.

He reminds me of those types of people that goes out, have ***, if gotten pregnant, run away aka leave child to the adoption service | church | similar location or take abortion pills. Tho his motherly (can't think of any other word) instincts makes him care for the child at least a bit. If said person did take care of their own child/children, tis possible that the child's life may lead to quite the dramatic turn of their lives. Like the sudden burden was too heavy for him after all, so he gave up, becoming a parent no one would want to become theirs.

He still strikes me as that kind of guy that I would label as irresponsible tho hopefully he proves my wrong on chapter 40... And if people would ask, "So you agree to what the other guy did? Confining him, hiding him in a room away from everyone else?" No I do not agree. He should've let the Dojin was it? Stay in the hospital, let them (parents) talk it out, and reach the conclusion themselves. The way he meddles in Byuls family makes me think that if Byul grew up and found out, might give one slap or punch as a gift to his uncle. But then again, who knows.

I'm not hating on him, but I don't like him, even from the start of this series. I was raised by a single parent, found out my dad (Who I never met) made me some half-siblings that he soon decided to sell to other parents looking for children because he don't have money. Oh yeah, reason why mom didn't stay with him: She found out he was like this. Confirmed years later after I was born by hearing from one of their close friend that he committed the action stated above.

    InsecurePersonNo2 October 22, 2018 6:01 pm

    Note: I'm just very sensitive on mangas that touch parenting.

    Guacamole October 22, 2018 6:36 pm
    Note: I'm just very sensitive on mangas that touch parenting. InsecurePersonNo2

    I’m raised from a single family too. My dad got abusive and my mom left him. Having an abusive parent and seeing how they treated each other.. idk it made me feel like I don’t want to have a kid because of it. I can relate to hye sung in a way. His dad was abusive towards him so he has this irrational fear of being in the same situation because he is an omega. He doesn’t trust alphas because all the alphas that he knew were always using omegas and he didn’t want to be used. Hye sung might act all high and mighty but you can see how low he think his self worth is. especially now that he knows he’s an omega.

    Yes, he can be immature but that’s why he shouldn’t be a parent. He didn’t want to resent his own kid and become like his old man. I don’t blame him for not wanting to become a parent and that’s okay. People grow up at their own pace. I believe that it’s better to have one parent who loves u than two parents who resent each other and neglects you.

    Guacamole October 22, 2018 6:37 pm
    Note: I'm just very sensitive on mangas that touch parenting. InsecurePersonNo2

    I’m raised from a single family too. My dad got abusive and my mom left him. Having an abusive parent and seeing how they treated each other.. idk it made a me feel like I don’t want to have a kid because of it. I can relate to hye sung in a way. His dad was abusive towards him so he has this irrational fear of being in the same situation because he is an omega. He doesn’t trust alphas because all the alphas that he knew were always using omegas and he didn’t want to be used. Hye sung might act all high and mighty but you can see how low he think his self worth is. especially now that he knows he’s an omega.

    Yes, he can be immature but that’s why he shouldn’t be a parent. He didn’t want to resent his own kid and become like his old man. I don’t blame him for not wanting to become a parent and that’s okay. People grow up at their own pace. I believe that it’s better to have one parent who loves u than two parents who resent each other and neglects you.
