
I didn't know it would be like that, but I think it was kinda to be expected that Jiwon would only realize he loved DG when DG left him. I was mad that the author made DG accept to the last sex scene, but I realize the intention: Jiwon got DG to behave just like he always wanted, just to realized he hated that.
Is anyone surprised at all? Like, really? We've all been expecting this to happen, and I've endured over 40 chapters of outrage for THIS.
"BuT Dg BrOuGtH iT uPoN hImSeLf Bc AlEx SaId It WaS nO fEelInGs AtTaChEd" - yeah yeah, okay, sure, and Jiwon took the chance to abuse him, but gueeess what? MY BOY DG, HE REALIZED THAT WAS A MISTAKE!
I was so proud when he decided to let go of Jiwon, and not just out of spite! I was REALLY proud that he realized what went wrong and APOLOGIZED for acting out of line!
"bUt It WaS nO fEelInGs AtTaChEd" - He apologized! You hear that? He apologized for acting out of place when Jiwon had made it clear they were only fuckbuddies.
"Dg AcCePtEd It Bc He WaNtEd To, He CoUlD hAvE wAlKeD oUt" - and now he doesn't want to and is walking out! HAH!
So what if Jiwon is only now realizing he has feelings for DG?