SPOILERS and a defense for Toudou

rkrk October 20, 2018 9:51 am

Because I don't really like how people are piling onto Toudou. It's only the second chapter guys. And it's not like he cheated on Kirishima. Toudou has his own insecurities as well. I understand that Kirishima's super lovely and is able to display all his emotions with his face. But I feel like Toudou don't really deserve the hate that he's getting.

First off, TOUDOU NEVER LIED. There's nothing going on between Toudou and Nanami. They're just friends. He wanted to hide his embarrassing past from Kirishima, because he wanted to appear perfect to him. (he's just shit at hunting or sth. It's kinda like you have an embarrassing past and you just don't want your partner to find out)
Nanami just wanted to tease the couple, and the conflict literally ends within a chapter because there's nothing.

Toudou's main issue is that he's insecure and he doesn't want to hurt Kirishima.
We even see that in the first series, where he is unable to believe that his love is reciprocated since Kirishima dated girls all along.
It's a really common character type in these type of stories where one is doubtful and the other one has unrelenting support?

The reason why Toudou doesn't go all the way with Kirishima is because he finds it hard to hold back, and he doesn't want to hurt Kirishima since he treats him so preciously. They don't communicate with each other enough.

Toudou is troublesome but he faced the realities with being gay unlike Kirishima. He was disowned by his family for being gay.

Kirishima wanted to tell his mom about it but Toudou stopped him because he was afraid that Kirishima would be abandoned by his family, and he didn't want that to happen to Kirishima.

Later on, its revealed that the mom knew all along and when Toudou found out he was a little envious but Kirishima just told him that he will be his family forever. It's really a sweet confession which saved Toudou and really strengthened their bond together.

Toudou really isn't a bad guy. Kirishima is aware that Toudou had fuck buddies before him. Even if Toudou dated Nanami before he really doesn't deserve all this hate. It's just a cliche that we've seen many times already. I'm probably taking it more seriously that I should but I like Toudou as a character. He supported Kirishima's little brother so much and really takes care of him. And the poor guy has many confidence issues he has to face. He had unrequited love with his best friend for 10 years. Seeing him getting girlfriends and getting dumped thanks to his brocon.

    janvier October 20, 2018 10:17 pm

    well i hv seen the two next chapters and toudo is a d**k how a relation can stand with lies and silence mode -_- he just need to TALK and if he is not ready he didn't need to go all the way dating poor kirishima and to make things worst when kirishima gave him a blowjob and wanted to be lovely dovey with him he just hide his d**k in his pants very fast and come on he wanted to touch u and being touched by u