Ah I also remember a scene where the boy went to a girl's bday party and then left early and after that sth important to the girl went missing so they all thought the boy was the one who stole it, later in the classroom the class president beat up the boy and then the class president started dating that girl. After the boy became popular and was about to graduate it was revealed that he was the one who actually stole it.
There was another scene where a teacher told the boy to do the graduation speech but that was supposed to be the class president' s duty, he wanted to do the speech so he hired some thugs and beat up the boy but then the boy still came to school and did the speech. Now I'm not sure if this was a flashback or not...

Hope it's this oneヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
Can anyone help me find a manga?
I just remember a flashback where there was this boy who was kinda bullied ignored that went to the bus station and found this older guy who gave him a game to play on his phone(later revealed that the older guy was the one who made the game) this guy started to teach the boy how to become popular and smart and also bought him new clothes etc and told him that when he graduates he should go to this really prestigious school where only super smart people go in. Even though the older guy taught the boy how to be popular, he was actually also always alone and then he gave the boy his uniform from that prestigious school