you dont get vitamin d only from sun.You have it many food and your body even produces some as much as i remember
so they its hard to say that they will have a lack of vitamin d because of covering up , thats just a part of answer
i think you question was more like can they get vitamin d from sun even when they are covered up, well i am not sure about that
Not every inch famm
I’m Muslim, it may be not ur point but ur question is irrelevant and somehow like making fun of it
We don’t cover our face nor our hand and we can get plenty of vit D from those by the way.
As said above we cover what is thought to be attractive which is subjective really.
It is not unhealthy to cover urself, it is just irrelevant.
I asked this question to my Muslim friends . They did not have a answere . I tried to google but found nothing. Please don't get offended.
If Quran asked women to cover themselves up . Then how do women aboard Vitamin D from sunlight ? What about in olden times.