Alex oughta clean the shit he made lol!

Matt Holt Wannabe October 18, 2018 11:01 pm

I had lots of theories on how this would go, but DG pulling back and Alex getting frustrated now that DG isn't his toy anymore is actually good enough. DG should avoid him more so that Alex can go crazy and think about what a jerk he had been to him. Regretting (and also being jealous maybe? I want a rival!!) but his feelings not getting requited this time is what he deserves. He had been too rude to our angel boy.

    Fruit October 19, 2018 10:32 pm

    How and why is DG and angel exactly?
    What has he ever done about Jiwon besides giving him sex?
    How can you be so sure that DG truly knows Jiwon and sincerely loves him?
    Just because he makes cute faces he is an angel?
    Why must Jiwon suffer for supposedly sexually dominating and adult individual who has agreed to everything from the beginning?
    How is DG's supposed "suffering" only Jiwon's responsibility when DG also lied and tolerated things?
    If a shitty past doesn't excuse bad behavior then lack of experience shouldn't be an excuse for DG's stupid behavior and mistakes either.
    I want Jiwon to be loved and be happy.I want him to not lose his dignity in order to achieve them.That wouldn't be fair.
    People like you need to grow up and see both sides.