U logged in!! Hey troll
Ever heard of reflex? Since u r so smart??
Dropped the baby by reflex which is uncontrolled smartass

No I didn't log in. Coz I don't have an account.

Understands out?
Obviously they don’t understand biology tho??


I'm sure you do genius.

Okay we get it, you don't like Hye-sung and have a poor knowledge on parenting. Seeing as you are the only person to keep repeating the same slurs and negativity.

OP an lonely virgin. Get out of your parents basement.
Better for the better! Now he also risked dropping a child to the ground. I've never seen a similar retarded boy before. It is not a matter of inexperience, or of problems that HyeSeong has had in his miserable childhood, here the problem is only one: he is simply born idiot. End of his sad story. The rest ... inexperience, young age, stress, and so on, are only excuses.The author of the story is really putting all of himself to make it more and more stupid. Waiting for the laughter in the next update.