Aghhhh! How could I forget to comment on the cover? COLOR!! YEAH!!! Here we see Y lying to himself about never needing anyone as he carries a wounded bird...yes that is D he has by the....wing...Why do I say he's lying? It's because of that comment he made about D's sis being lucky she had him while he remembered his little hands bound while his stepdad raped him.
Where to begin...OK so obviously Yashiro had Doumeki drive him to the warehouse but he did it in such a way where Hirata wouldn't see them together. He tried to continue the verbal abuse from the last chapter by saying D was rough with the sex....D has a fear that he's a sex maniac like his dad so that jibe hit home. But then he moves from lying on that damn tire to lying on Ds lap. He rips that bandage off Ds face and says that is what falling in love feels like to him--like a painful, burning, bleeding wound... damn, my poor uke... He tries to pull out of D his reason for falling in love with him in a roundabout way but that didn't work. Then he makes D recall his adoptive sister's feelings for him. This is the part that confuses me because Yashiro is thinking that D saved his sister from that last rape but Yashiro himself was never saved..(why is he thinking of this now? Is this foreshadowing on his need to be saved or not from his current evil "parent"?). he says that your sister was lucky to have you. I think D interprets that as him saying it's good that his sister fell in love with him and he is touched. Truly I have never seen D so expressive as I have in this chapter.
So Yashiro's is moved to violence to keep D away from Hirata. D is so cute here because he basically tells him that his life belongs to him and he can do with it what he will ... my seme cinnamon roll...Yashiro gives him a flesh wound on his thigh and then we're supposed to believe that he shot him in the head? please! If he really wanted to hurt him he would have capped his knee not grazed his leg.,,my theory on the second bang is that he took a shot near D's ear in order to shock him or knock him out from the noise so close to his eardrum and went on to his meeting. I got to say I'm just disappointed as Chestnut and company on how he's dealing with Hirata so far but I see that he's got his right hand in his pocket likely still holding his gun on Hirata so that has some possibilities.
One thing is for sure the safest place for him to be is with his "parent" if the Gouda group finds him since it's this parent that put the blame on him for the killings. Speaking of ---maybe that is not a gun in his pocket maybe he has a cell phone on record and he plans on getting Hirata's guard down and admitting to the killings...? Or better yet a live feed to that board meeting in progress?