
ErylSBM October 16, 2018 1:36 pm

Hyesung is a first time mom. Don't forget that he just recently found out that he's an omega. He's been overwhelmed with great changes in his life. Of course, it's only natural that he'll have mixed emotions. I'm a mom. I'm raising my kiddo on my own too. That's why I can understand Hyesung. The fear of raising the baby alone and the thought of just wanting to run away. I experienced that too. But the minute I saw my baby for the 1st time, I never wanted to let go anymore. I think that's one of the reasons why Hyesung didn't want to look at Byul upon giving birth.

For a 1st time mom with so much worries, of course Hyesung will be shocked and startled. I saw someone commented that sometimes it's natural that you'll drop the baby. That's true. A lot of things can happen. The fact that Hyesung is in a bind. Knowing the fact that Dojin didn't abandoned the baby, the fact that Heesoo was lying to him, the first time he held and saw Byul, of course he'll be overwhelmed.

There's no such thing as perfect moms. Mothers make mistakes too and what makes mothers great is the fact we learned from our mistakes and become better afterwards. You all saw the expression Hyesung made as he held the baby. Right? Plus the way he looked at Byul, that's how a mom would look at their kids. No matter how much a bad mom say that they don't want the baby, deep down inside them, there's a natural affection for the baby. I can sense that his mother instincts is kicking in slowly. No mother can disregard their babies fully. Just give Hyesung a chance to adjust. It'll be good.

    minjimin October 16, 2018 1:40 pm

    Thank you for this! I don't understand why people are acting like he wanted to drop the baby, he was holding him fine he got scared because he didn't expect to get his nipple suddenly sucked. He seemed to show interest in the baby and that makes me happy. I hope they will warm up to each other soon. Byul is too cute for him to not fall for plus it's his baby so.

    Marshmallow October 16, 2018 2:35 pm

    Ppl be saying 'how can you drop the baby' shit, mothers are human too, they make mistakes too, i've done a lot of mistakes when i taking care of my first born, and slowly learning this n that. Wait till those ppl have their own baby ( ̄へ ̄)

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 October 16, 2018 4:13 pm

    Praise you ma'am!!! Say this to the people at the back!!