Why is the fandom

Noodle October 14, 2018 7:43 am

Wtf is wrong with all of you, you're fetishising a extremly toxic relationship with all your uwu they're married so cute wtf you do understand what killing stalking is right. Most of instagram seems to think it's a lovely romance with cute yandere gay boys wtf. HES A SERIAL KILLER WHO DROVE BUM INTO COMPLETE MADNESS. Fucking psychos in the comments damn

    apocalyptis October 14, 2018 8:24 am

    oh fuck off

    PachiPachi October 14, 2018 10:23 am

    i agree with you, i dont understand people who say this shit is romantic, its just sad and disturbing but for some reason i cant stop reading it

    Noodle October 14, 2018 1:17 pm
    oh fuck off apocalyptis

    But why what's wrong with what I said

    Lucy In The Sky October 14, 2018 4:15 pm

    I agree! I don't see anything cute about the recent chapter. It's creepy and sad. The whole story is creepy and sad. The artstyle and use of color depicts a lot of uncomfortable emotions and feelings and for me love is not one of them. Fear, depression, anxiety, madness. That's all I see. It's brilliantly done and I appreciate this manwha for what it is.

    elfckl789 October 14, 2018 8:00 pm

    this shit is so fucking far from romance dude
    stop...get some help
    (sorry couldnt help myself )

    Phantomhive-Chesspiece October 15, 2018 2:29 am

    Agreed. Here I am recalling the times Sangwoo beat Yoon Bum's legs so he couldn't walk, cut him with a can lid, hung him on a rope, drowned him, cut his chin, and beat him on the hood of his car.

    How on earth could anyone think that, just because of Sangwoo's multiple personality disorder, that his and Bum's relationship is a good idea? I hope the author is planning to take this somewhere and not turn the entire thing into fan service. While I do feel sorry for Sangwoo's poor upbringing, it's far too late to turn him into a redeemable person who ends up happy with Yoon Bum. I'm sorry, but Sangwoo is too mentally far gone to ever achieve any normalcy in his life; he can't continue this gentle behavior forever, the sadistic murderer in him has got to come out eventually.

    ARICAKE October 15, 2018 3:19 am

    Sorry i accidentally clicked