BL Character Analysis

kokichi October 13, 2018 12:42 am

uwa i know most people are probably disinterested. but how do you guys feel about analyses on characters from BL manga/manhwa/manhua?
i recently wrote a short thing and was wondering how many people are actually interested in reading something like that. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    NekoNani October 13, 2018 1:38 am

    I often read peoples interpretation or analysis after reading a manga. The comment section is the main reason i signed up. Its interesting to see how different people view the same manga

    Blubeagle October 13, 2018 2:25 am

    Yup. I am very interested in psychological, emotional, mental and character /personality /psyche analysis. I love well thought out analysis on character personalities and plotlines.

    kokichi October 13, 2018 2:52 am
    I often read peoples interpretation or analysis after reading a manga. The comment section is the main reason i signed up. Its interesting to see how different people view the same manga NekoNani

    i agree! i find it fascinating how two people can read the same piece of fiction but interpret it in different ways! i find analysing a manga i've read as really fun and enjoyable! i'm glad i'm not alone!

    kokichi October 13, 2018 2:53 am
    Yup. I am very interested in psychological, emotional, mental and character /personality /psyche analysis. I love well thought out analysis on character personalities and plotlines. Blubeagle

    me too! i find myself over-analysing most of the time and making something shallow into something deep, but i love going in depth in the more psychological elements of a character and delving further into their characterisation.

    kokichi October 13, 2018 2:55 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KenGoldenTree

    i see! most of the comments of the mangas i like to analyse are just fan screams and commentary on the newest chapters, which is nice, don't get me wrong, i do that myself! but it's nice to see some analysation and people's opinions on a piece of fiction once in a while. especially when they'll well-thought out and explained in depth! (:

    ¥401 October 13, 2018 2:58 am

    t h a t ' s k a y a y d a y ' s l i e i s n ' t i t ?

    kokichi October 13, 2018 3:02 am
    t h a t ' s k a y a y d a y ' s l i e i s n ' t i t ? ¥401

    OODHDHS im surprised you caught my ndrv3 reference :3