
Lovely Angel 15 October 11, 2018 2:58 pm

I don't remember who that guy was (the one Heesoo borrowed money from) But if he's single, then this might be our second couple of this story.
Also, I am glad that the hatred between Heesoo and Hyesung is over, but now we need to clear up the misunderstandings between Hyesung and Dojin, atleast for Byul's sake!!!

    OHtheNovelty October 11, 2018 3:02 pm

    That's Dojin's brother I think. He tried to use his Alpha phermones on Heeso but since Heeso is a beta, it didn't work. And Heeso left and thought how uncomfortable it always is to be around alphas.

    bogum October 11, 2018 3:57 pm

    That dojin's brother already appear in previous chapters around c1 to c5