
well damn

I can’t feel sorry for the mom. I get that she’s sick but come on like, it’s like she really hates sangwoo and wants to see him suffer. She tried to kill him so I think all my sympathy I had for in the beginning of the series all went out the window when I saw her trying to kill sangwoo. It seems to me that it’s really the mother that made sangwoo the way he is because the dad seems like he’s very loving and caring to his family members. Anyway I just can’t stand the mom anymore.
The mom is a fucking bitch in episode 53. Like what where you trying to prove by showing Sangwoo something like that in the middle of the night. Like I can't understand what your thinking at all you crazy ass bitch. Anyway this episode is pretty interesting but left me with more questions on what really happened in the past with Sangwoo's mom and dad. And what will happen to Sangwoo and Bum. Now I got to wait another week.