
I appreciate reading the original posters' thoughts about YuYang guarding his own feelings and watching what he is saying, and what it could mean to finally find someone who is open and who tells him he likes him. It was lovely to read! I was very confused by this but when I re-read it I saw that the "don't say it" was always on the picture with YuYang, its symtomatic of him having to hold his overflowing upset over his fight with his parents inside, I see that now.
Who was it that thought “Don’t say it” during the phone conversation (pages 29, 34, and 36)? I could interpret that as YuYang hoping deep down for LiHuan to not say anything that YuYang can’t reply to, or it could be LiHuan hoping YuYang wouldn’t say anything LiHuan himself sees as untrue…
But DAMN!! LIHUAN!! Where could I find someone like you?? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I love how NATURAL their conversation felt!! “I like you. From all the people that I’ve met… you are the loveliest one. I really like you”!! GENUINE and STRAIGHTFORWARD!! YES!! <3
It’s so touching when you meet someone who appreciates and loves you for who you are. Not that we constantly need someone to validate us, but it is a very warm feeling when someone tells you that :) I love that LiHuan put his heart on his sleeve in this phone call. I love it when people demonstrate that they care for you through their actions, not just with words alone.
I feel that with folks like YuYang (I’ll include myself too LOL) could be smiling around others, but it is very true that people don’t always necessarily know what is happening with you. I resonated with YuYang when he said, “Actually no one really understands,” and “It’s very difficult for people to truly understand each other.” You could use all the words you know, from the bottom of your heart to explain something to someone, and they still wouldn’t understand. Some folks only understand if they have been in your situation before, while others refuse to understand.
You could be like YuYang where you could go to places, like school, and have folks near you – never worried about who will be in your class or who you’ll walk home with after class, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have connections that run deep in your heart. It’s much easier to meet folks who you could enjoy your time with, and it tends to be easier to defend yourself than rely on others to do so. YuYang grew up defending himself because he recognized no one in his family would, and he was forced to accept that people with homophobic views will always exist. You could feel so lonely in these moments, even if it isn’t so difficult to find activities that bring a smile to your face.
I appreciate that YuYang is safe to open his heart to LiHuan. Right now, YuYang still has his heart guarded but the fact that LiHuan chose to call YuYang… That’s a significant indicator that LiHuan cares. :) LiHuan not only wants to communicate with YuYang, but our younger boy also wants to hear the emotion in YuYang’s voice and feel that much closer to our precious uke <3 That reminds me of chapter 25 when LiHuan knocked on YuYang’s door to ask in-person what time they would go swimming the following day <33 I love how direct LiHuan is in that sense; when LiHuan wants to do something, he just does it. :) No ambiguity whatsoever! YuYang even asked, “You could have just sent me a message! Why trouble yourself coming all the way down here…”, which I really like :) I love it when people make the effort to see you because they want to. X))
I also think it is very true when you don’t realize someone has romantic feelings for you LOL!! XD I’m like YuYang where I get surprised by people’s honest answers about them liking me (could be as a person in general, as a friend…). I loved seeing the surprise on YuYang’s face when LiHuan admitted that our seme would run to our uke if YuYang was at their university, and it was clear LiHuan was disappointed that he couldn’t fly to YuYang in Beijing. I love that LiHuan even asked where YuYang lives, even though it was already nighttime!! <33
I like that DJun doesn’t portray YuYang as someone who gets happy by the littlest gestures, like LiHuan calling or saying LiHuan will go see YuYang. YuYang has been through so much; anyone would feel tired emotionally if they still face homophobic remarks for years, and YuYang has an unrequited love for Lin Xiang… It’s no wonder that YuYang believes no one likes him back since his family cannot love (accept) YuYang for who he is (including that he’s gay), and Lin Xiang loves Xiao Guang. If I were in YuYang’s position, I would just feel so done.
I acknowledge that LiHuan’s confession may not have appeared at the most appropriate time, since YuYang just had a fight with his parents, but when else would LiHuan confess? LiHuan killed two birds with one stone through his confession: had YuYang see that our uke is indeed loved for who he is, and LiHuan expressed his feelings. LiHuan being transparent now is better than seeing LiHuan love YuYang but not realize his feelings are romantic LOL.
Now, I’m curious… What will YuYang say to LiHuan’s “The kiss that night… You still remember, don’t you?” I want YuYang and LiHuan to have an honest conversation about the kiss and LiHuan’s confession overall, but I’m unsure if YuYang is in the right state of mind for that… YuYang may need more time to himself after that fight with his parents :/
Anyway, it’s already 3:20 AM LOL. I technically read this five days ago after a long day at my school placement. Love that I could reread this chapter and appreciate this story so much <33