Any literature fans?? I’m curious about books that MUST BE READ in ur opinion. I have n...

Anonymous October 7, 2018 3:26 pm

Any literature fans??

I’m curious about books that MUST BE READ in ur opinion. I have no problem if it is by ur mother’s tongue...I can read the translated version...
Please recommend me any book u found FASCINATING and like GOD TIER??
I’m into anything really but I prefer deep messages in the story not shallow.

    Mar October 7, 2018 3:30 pm

    private berlin, had to read if for school. But it was so cool.
    I recommend also to read it with the audiobook. I think the audio is still on youtube

    Anonymous October 7, 2018 3:37 pm

    Everything from Dostoyevski. Proust. Thomas Mann, especially "The Magic Mountain".
    I love "Picute of Dorian Gray"- Wild.
    "1984" - Orwell.
    Solzenicyn- " Cancer Ward "
    Bulhakow - "Master and Margaret"
    Albert Camus -" the stranger" "the plague"
    Joseph Condrad- "heart of darkness" (and breathtaking movie "adaptation" by Apocalypse now)
    And many many more.

    Airi023 October 7, 2018 3:45 pm

    The Little Prince, perhaps? And Paper Towns

    GoldenScale October 7, 2018 3:46 pm

    The Kite Runner. I had to read it it in school, but that was quite deep and touching.
    (Apparently, Catcher in the Rye is popular too. I've been told the english version is good, but the french version was very shitty and I regret ever reading it in french. '^' Now I don't even want to try it in english.)

    There is always a but October 7, 2018 3:48 pm
    Everything from Dostoyevski. Proust. Thomas Mann, especially "The Magic Mountain". I love "Picute of Dorian Gray"- Wild."1984" - Orwell.Solzenicyn- " Cancer Ward "Bulhakow - "Master and Margaret"Albert Camus -... @Anonymous

    Nice recommendation! Also "A Hero of Our Time " by Mikhail Lermontov and "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev

    GoldenScale October 7, 2018 3:51 pm
    The Kite Runner. I had to read it it in school, but that was quite deep and touching.(Apparently, Catcher in the Rye is popular too. I've been told the english version is good, but the french version was very s... GoldenScale

    (Wasn't my choice to read Catcher in the Rye in french btw. >_> Shitty french teacher made me read it and a few other shitty books too.)

    Anonymous October 7, 2018 3:51 pm

    Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

    Schnee October 7, 2018 3:54 pm

    Weggesperrt-Grit Poppe
    Medicus-Noah Gordon
    And when you dont mind children books
    Die Unendliche Geschichte
    (Sorry only know the german titles)

    PriVII October 7, 2018 3:56 pm

    I second Picture of Dorian Gray.
    Hannah's daughter - Marianne Fredriksson
    Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy(I love all books by Hardy)
    Of mice an men - John Steinbeck
    Kite runner - Khalid Hosseini
    Heaven has no favourites - Erich maria remarque
    All quiet on the western fron - rich maria remarque
    In blissful hell - Humayun Ahmed

    PriVII October 7, 2018 4:11 pm
    Nice recommendation! Also "A Hero of Our Time " by Mikhail Lermontov and "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Turgenev There is always a but

    Father and son! I feel so nostalgic just to hear the name ╥﹏╥

    Bananan!!! October 7, 2018 4:15 pm

    I dont really read a lot of literature books but once I read this book that really left me enthralled and fascinated! I really, really fell in love with this book so please give a go sometime!

    It's title is The Boy Who Could See Demons by Carolyn Jess-Cooke.

    There is always a but October 7, 2018 4:18 pm
    Father and son! I feel so nostalgic just to hear the name ╥﹏╥ PriVII

    I feel you, Fathers and Sons is truly recommended as a must - read for both parents and children

    killpeoplewhentheycan'tseeu October 7, 2018 4:40 pm


    Anonymous October 7, 2018 4:43 pm

    Thank u guys som much!!
    I’m really curious about non English literature and I know FRENCH is really superb in term of literature also German is really interesting
    God I wish I could read each book in its original language so I can actually fully grasp the meaning of it ╥﹏╥

    sad nibba October 7, 2018 5:55 pm

    Kafka on the Shore.

    hazelnutcookies October 7, 2018 6:02 pm
    Thank u guys som much!! I’m really curious about non English literature and I know FRENCH is really superb in term of literature also German is really interesting God I wish I could read each book in its orig... @Anonymous

    If you're interested in German literature, I would highly recommend Herman Hesse - Narcissus and Goldmund, Damien, Magister Ludi, Siddharta and Steppenwolf. I read these in school and still love reading them decades later.

    I also like Franny & Zooey, Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger

    TheGirlWhoKnocks October 7, 2018 7:52 pm


    Queenkitty October 7, 2018 8:39 pm


    Shizuka October 7, 2018 9:56 pm

    ANYTHING by John Green. I especially recommend 'Looking for Alaska' and 'The perks of being a wallflower' - warning, they are awesome but John Green always manages to stab you in the back.