I'm so impressed with this story!

Mameiha October 7, 2018 1:25 am

I never, in my wildest dreams, would have imagined a mangaka would create a leading character in yaoi who is autistic! It's freaking awesome! I have a very dear friend who is the living embodiment of Tatsumi and he has autism. Jake is just the most wonderful person you'll ever meet, but only if you are patient enough to get to know and understand him. His mind perceives the world differently than me or, probably, you. However, if you take the time to exchange your perceptions with him, you find an amazing, kind, witty, articulate and fascinating young man hidden beneath what seems like an awkward, rude brute. He is beastly strong and, just like Tatsumi, had trouble gauging his strength when he was young. Tatsumi is the manga version of Jake to me now! And that makes me unbelievably happy! I can't wait to show this manga to him!

    MiaSoo October 7, 2018 2:11 am

    As a psych major, I'm so disappointed I haven't made that conclusion given all the symptoms right there. Kinda made me see the whole manga in a different light thanks to you

    Mameiha October 7, 2018 2:34 am
    As a psych major, I'm so disappointed I haven't made that conclusion given all the symptoms right there. Kinda made me see the whole manga in a different light thanks to you MiaSoo

    It's funny, I am going back and reading all this mangaka's works right now and it seems that most, if not all, of her characters fall somewhere within the autism spectrum. Most can be passed off as simply "socially awkward" or "overly serious" in their personalities, but Tatsumi was the first to be portrayed so high on the spectrum. It was the excessive strength, or better to say the inability to judge one's own strength, that was the clincher for me. I met Jake when he was 3 and I would often care for him in his mother's stead when she had to work. Even at 3, the first time he grabbed my wrist to get my attention, I had bruises for a week! I find it amazing what people without autism take for granted and do without thinking much about it, like gauging their own strength.

    I'm glad I could put this manga into a different light for you and, hopefully, for others. To me, having an autistic protagonist who finds a happily ever after is a huge win.

    kurarara October 16, 2018 7:33 pm

    I thought I was the only one who thought this! I have read a bit about autism and this manga made me think he was autistic.
    I love how he it isn't one tragedy or overdramatic manga. He also finds somebody that accepts and loves him, while they both have chemistry.

    kurarara October 16, 2018 7:38 pm

    And Shinobu also gets offended. It is not like he is oppressing himself to stay with the seme. He asserts his own feelings, too, which is very important in a relationship

    IOTR October 17, 2018 3:31 am

    Thank you for leaving this lovely comment and sharing about your friend Jake! It's so sweet to hear how much representation matters!!

    Mameiha October 24, 2018 11:43 pm
    And Shinobu also gets offended. It is not like he is oppressing himself to stay with the seme. He asserts his own feelings, too, which is very important in a relationship kurarara

    Shinobu likely has no idea that Tatsumi is autistic. Which means, he doesn't pity Tatsumi, he simply loves him because he is Tatsumi. And, honestly, who doesn't want to be loved for just being themselves? Right? That is what makes this story so perfect IMO. There is no tragedy or pity and Tatsumi isn't regarded as anything more than a simple man who wants to be loved and accepted. Which portrays a person with autism as having the same hopes and desires for love and happiness as anyone else. There may be differences between a person with autism and one without, but there are also some basic similarities. We all want to be loved and accepted, whether we are a "normie" or not.

    kurarara October 25, 2018 10:57 am
    Shinobu likely has no idea that Tatsumi is autistic. Which means, he doesn't pity Tatsumi, he simply loves him because he is Tatsumi. And, honestly, who doesn't want to be loved for just being themselves? Right... Mameiha

    Exactly!!! You know, lots of bullying happens because people consider the bullied as "weird" and different, but difference doesn't mean inferior, nor is it negative either. It is something neutral...
    This manga kinda shows this. The dude is different, but he has desires and feelings. Even if he doesn't have "common sense", he still can like and respect the person he loves.