exactly. everyone is jumping on the bandwagon of hating her, but panel 12 made me feel like that there's something that we don't knoe about which depresses her. i doubt its just jealousy. i don't trust the father just yet

idk about you but the father seems to be abusive to her, in chapter 40, we saw him beating her and her having wounds on her feet, sangwoo says that the father would get mad if he find out he's sick(same scene put in this chapter), but it doesn't make sense if he isn't even abusive. if the mom was the bad one all along then how did it start? why did the father not realize that there's something wrong with her earlier? why is she so mental? the scenes of her being abused? so many questions.
Damn y'all stay assuming shit. Just by this chapter y'all gonna judge the Mom and defend the dad. We need more information and backstory before anything