Meeting in the Middle [Lewd4Yaoi Scans]

Ryoko Amour October 5, 2018 2:51 am

Hello readers,

First, I would like to apologize to anyone that felt a certain type of way when I first addressed the situation a few weeks ago. My words may have come off more curt than intended. Me clarifying & speaking up for my group, may have come off as "defensive," but everyone takes things a different way. My groups has been together almost a year [October 2017] and I have never been in a confrontation with a reader[s] like that...ever.
So again, my apologies, hopefully this type of interaction will not continue in the future.


It truly saddens me that something so minuscule [color pages] has been blown out of proportion and has bred such hate and maliciousness in the comments section. I was told some reader is trying to start a war with my group and another scan group? ~~~~I have no idea, it sounds so absurd, so I will just assume it's not true.

For those who may be disillusioned; scanlation is illegal.

Scan groups disrespect the author as soon as they begin to [translate] their work into English >>without the author's permission.<< Scan groups continue to disrespect the author when they [clean] all of their ORIGINAL sfx, dialogue, narration, etc. They compound the disrespect by choosing a font *the scan group* finds fit/like, to then [typeset.] Then they wrap up the bow of disrespect by [redrawing dicks] on the light sabers that is on the author's original work. >>>Redrawing dicks is a scanlation group's art as well, it is their own perception, no different than a color page<<<

>>>That is what scanlation groups do.<<<

An author cares no more about a group adding [color pages], than they care about the <font> a group chooses to use to [typeset].

They [do] care that their work is being worked on without their expressed permission. But will readers ask scanlation groups to stop scanlating to **respect** the author?

My group adding color pages may be seen as another form of disrespect (because it's originally black and white), but it is no different than anything else scan groups do as a whole.......................Just because you may dislike it, doesn't make it any more disrespectful than what scan groups have been doing for decades. So the argument of "keep it original" or "respecting the author" is null.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................As soon as anyone makes a single ((edit)), it is no longer an original of the author, style or anything.

That being said. I understand having a repeat page may not be something that's liked & even though blinking your eyes takes longer, that "extra click" takes time & annoys some people. -----But I will not take out the author's black & white, and we will not stop doing color pages.


What I [will] do, is keep the color pages to a TWO (maybe 3 initially if it's already been colored at this point) page MAX. That will be my meeting in the middle from the [feedback] I read from the readers that were able to convey themselves with tact.

I hope after this, things can go back to normal~~and the bickering & insults thrown around everywhere will stop. And for this story and future ones, hopefully the plot will be the main focus & YAOI will continue to soothe & stir our LEWD souls!!

**I will continue to copy & paste this as need be in the comment section**

~~~May thee Lewdness be with you, and forever in your favor~~~


Ryoko Amour
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

    youraedthiswrogn October 7, 2018 1:06 pm

    @Blackie since you're petty and blocked me: "i already apologized to you", literally no you didn't. Lol. I was just very gracious and kept talking to you even though you came in with an attitude talking about the colored pages like i don't like them. I explained that the colored pages literally weren't even brought up and you just KEPT going on about them, albeit with less attitude and then you moved on to trying to make it seem like i was justifying the harassment from that guy bullying Ryoko Nicole. I cleared that up and you stopped talking. No apology at any point.

    Here is a link to my topic since you seem to need a refresher on what you did and didn't do:

    Now i see you here doing the same thing and you still aren't admitting you just did the same thing to @LallaLa... You're just defending yourself and lying about apologizing. "i don't owe you anything", i'm not asking for anything... What's happening is me calling you on your shit.

    youraedthiswrogn October 7, 2018 1:12 pm

    Anyone else who wants to see @Blackie doing the same thing they did here can look under my topic here:

    It's upsetting that there is someone scrolling through the comments section responding to peoples' topics assuming that they have a problem with the colored pages.

    youraedthiswrogn October 7, 2018 1:40 pm

    @Blackie: Looking back, i see AN apology, though what you say is "for the reply to the other topic", so i thought you were talking about another topic. I appreciate the apology, but it doesn't change the fact that, after your conflict with me, you moved on to do the same thing here. THIS is what my point was, NOT whether or not you apologized. I was pointing out that you did what you did to me, you assumed they hate the colored pages and started attacking them about it when that literally wasn't said. Maybe they do hate them, but that wasn't said. You apologizing to me is nice, but it doesn't change the fact that you're going around doing this. What kind of response is that anyways? I pointed out that you are essentially attacking @LallaLa and your response was to say you apologized to me? You're evading the issue. You tried to ignore my accusation and shift the focus to me and my "drama" (apparently me, pretty politely, calling you on your shit is me "starting drama"?)...

    Blackie October 7, 2018 4:07 pm
    @Blackie since you're petty and blocked me: "i already apologized to you", literally no you didn't. Lol. I was just very gracious and kept talking to you even though you came in with an attitude talking about ... youraedthiswrogn

    I don’t owe you anything
    I don’t need to apologize twice when you’re here lying about me saying I didn’t say anything at all
    I don’t like people who just want to start a drama for no reason, even tho the drama is already finished and i’ve cleared everything up, you keep talking about the same thing
    Really, I do not owe you anything
    Stop making a drama. Move on, if I don’t give an answer to your replies, maybe it means I don’t want any replies either. Yet you keep attacking me even on this topic, ( although you lied about me as well…I don’t see a reason to apologize to you twice when i’m not saying anything about u and u just call me out for no reason, just because you’ve decided to hold a silly grudge against a person on internet who you have talked to only once, also the fact that you preferred to lie about me, is another thing which proves I don’t owe you an apology. Get your life together.
    I’m not sure if I am the one with the attitude while you literally tried to make me look like a liar and bad person, while embarrassing yourself and showing everyone the proof that I HAVE apologized by yourself

    Blackie October 7, 2018 4:12 pm
    @Blackie: Looking back, i see AN apology, though what you say is "for the reply to the other topic", so i thought you were talking about another topic. I appreciate the apology, but it doesn't change the fact t... youraedthiswrogn

    Besides, thank you for sharing the link of the topic because now everyone knows who’s the one lying here, also since you’ve shared the topic link, they can probably see what I said about the matter *that’s another case*
    That’s what I said. And I think I do have a good reason for blocking you after you trying to attack me on a different topic and try to embarrass *me*

    ravenc October 7, 2018 7:43 pm

    im going to reiterate that all of you need to go outside

    youraedthiswrogn October 7, 2018 8:42 pm

    @Blackie: whether or not you apologized to me is entirely irrelevant to what i was saying and i didn't "lie", i looked back and saw the apology and said so... Your blatant attempt to keep the focus on the apology rather than what i was actually talking about without acknowledging what i literally just showed you doing both under my topic and here speaks for itself.

    youraedthiswrogn October 7, 2018 8:44 pm

    Also, you embarrassed yourself. You haven't proven anything by proving you apologized, you still attacked me and @LallaLa based on nothing but your assumptions. That is what is actually being discussed here and the link stays there to show what you did and continued to do there.

    Viira October 9, 2018 5:37 am
    First, let me be clear that I am very grateful for the translation group for putting on so much effort in translating the mangas and making it possible for people like me, that can't read Japanese, to be able t... animana

    I agree with you. While I never did or would complain to the scanlation group about a couple of colored pages (because its really no big deal), it is the truth to say that the inclusion of double pages, colored or not, disrupts the flow of the reading and story immersion and comprehension. If the escalation group cared for a critique or were looking to improve in that area, then that would be my suggestion. But as they aren't and I'm plenty happy to read their scanlations at all, just as they enjoy coloring the pages, its really no problem.