thoughts on seunghee (long)

DLPickle October 5, 2018 1:51 am

(pulled from a different comment I made, but these are probably the last things I'll say on this topic)

I feel that lately Seung-taek and Kyubin have had much more of an appearance in the story than Seunghee has. We've seen the progression of their relationship from the beginning and have seen the growth of their character development. Seunghee's character has been pushed back because of this, and his development as a character has gone much slowly.

Keep in mind that the author has yet to explain Seunghee's intention with the blonde guy that he met online, or any of the other encounters he's had online. Seunghee has (from what we know) always had to fend for himself as a gay cross-dressing teen, and has never had the moral support of a best friend (unlike Seung-taek and Kyubin who have known each other for years) or a guiding/understanding parental figure. He doesn't seem to trust anyone due to this factor, and ultimately comes off as rude and bitchy. Until his motivations are made clear, I don't think it is fair to cast him off as such a simple person. I feel that he is being blatantly misjudged.

    yaois October 5, 2018 5:30 pm

    i agree.

    Miwa October 5, 2018 9:49 pm

    I could be wrong, but I just think there are too many kids on here. Haven’t lived in the real world yet, so everything is black and white to them.